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FlightLine电影公司的杰伊·内梅斯 and SkyRae Media's Scott Gillies discuss the staying power of 360/VT/AR live event experiences in this clip from Live Streaming Summit at 流媒体 East 2019.

Learn more about VR and AR live streaming at 流媒体的下一个事件.


Jay Nemeth: We've seen 3D come and go, I don't know how many times now. 我自己也对3D很感兴趣, because I like anything that's immersive or can more faithfully recreate reality. 但这行不通. 人们不想戴眼镜. The gamers definitely are fine wearing the HMDs. I would say 100% for sure VR has staying power in gaming. As far as live event coverage, I don't know. I, 就我个人而言, am frustrated that we produce these gorgeous pictures and on the equirectangular displays in the truck, there are deep blacks and vibrant colors and it looks amazing. And then I take a phone I bought at Wal-mart and stick it in a thing on my head, 就在我面前两英寸, 看起来不一样了. 你知道?

If people are gonna buy into this and you want them to have an immersive experience, it has to be very close to reality and I can't see  the screen door of the display, 事物不能是灰色的,不能被洗掉, 我不能透过传送门看, because in real life I can see both Scott and James in my peripheral vision right now. So, you have to get all this equipment working like that and then people will say, “哦是的, 这就像《头号玩家. “我活在这个世界上."

斯科特Gillies: Just to pick up on what Jay said--so 3D was something we saw six years ago come through the industry and lots of people got excited about it. 投入了大量资金. 很多建议, 我想说最终, 是的, it was a fad to a degree but there was something that was discovered which was with the increase in processing power and the power of computers you're able to actually take the-- make a calculation of what the second camera would have, the offset would have been for your ocular distance and you could rather easily convert a film into 3D without needing a whole second crew and needing to do a tremendous investment on the production. So, that I think was a valuable exercise and as we progress in computing power what we're gonna see that is possibility with VR, 可能不是, 就像杰伊说的, 在家里用耳机听, 但是也有经验, AR不会消失. It's something that, even beyond entertainment, adds to the human experience. So, I don't think it's a fad for that very reason alone. To me, and one of the things I'm really looking forward to is, and you may have seen the commercials. Seth Rogen had a commercial where he puts on a headset and he's experiencing a concert, 他和他的朋友在一起, he's having this funny conversation and it turns out they're both in a headset in different areas experiencing a thing together. And I think there really needs to be advancement in the connective technology. 也许是5G的问题. 当所有这些都收敛的时候, you start having these use cases where that's something you'd want to do with your friends. 你会想要联系. You don't want to just sit in a room by yourself with a headset on and like, 我不在乎你有多年轻, 那真的不是什么有趣的经历, to me that's where I think you'll start seeing a tipping point in the technology and the use of the technology.

我是詹姆斯·佩恩, FlightLine电影公司的杰伊·内梅斯, and SkyRae Media's Scott Gillies discuss how to create VR and AR experiences that go beyond traditional streaming video in this clip from Live Streaming Summit at 流媒体 East 2019.
FlightLine电影公司的杰伊·内梅斯 and SkyRae Media's Scott Gillies discuss the challenges producers face when getting started producing and delivering live events in VR and AR in this clip from Live Streaming Summit at 流媒体 East 2019.