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Nearly Half of Global Viewers Added a Streaming Service Since March, Limelight Says


紧跟着 Bitmovin报告 about the impact of COVID-19 on the video developer ecosystem, Limelight Networks has released its consumer-focused State of Online Video 2020 report, which shows the impact of the pandemic on consumer online video consumption.

该公司强调了几项关键发现, but two stood out as indicative of the powerful impact that the pandemic has had on consumer streaming media consumption patterns.

The first was the fact that the first half of 2020 saw nearly half of global viewers subscribing to at least one additional streaming service during the lockdown period.

"Over 53 percent of viewers in France have subscribed to new streaming services,报告称, noting that it was the highest of the European countries surveyed, although respondents from India and Indonesia were even higher, at 69.85和71.6%.

在美国,这个数字是45.3% of respondents said they’d subscribed to additional streaming services in the past six months, which corresponds not only to the pandemic timeframe but also to the launch windows for HBO, Peacock and key Disney+ content (just after the first season of 曼德罗瑞 结束和期间 汉密尔顿 被释放). 

In addition to the global trend towards new streaming services, t在这里 was a marked increase in streaming subscriptions among 18- to 35-year-olds, with a breakeven point in the 36 to 45 age group [see image at top of article]. 

换句话说, t在这里's a greater propensity in the younger age group to try new services, but the second statistic that caught our attention seems almost contradictory: "While online video consumption has increased across all age groups, 在老年人群中,这一趋势正在加速, w在这里 the largest increases are seen in people over 46 years old." 

Limelight compared online video consumption patterns from 2019 (pre-pandemic) to 2020 viewing. For the 46 to 60 age bracket, the average hours per week rose from 5.从2019年的每周8小时到7小时.2020年0小时, an increase of 21 percent; but for those 61 and older, 这一比例从5%跃升至42%.每周3小时到7点.5小时[见下表]. 


和, while those hours included traditional broadcast as well as online viewing, 2020 online hours matched or exceeded traditional broadcast hours in every country in the Limelight survey except for Germany. 韩国和英国.

整体, 2020 also marks the first year in which online video hours globally exceeded traditional broadcast viewing. 网络视频消费采用率, 有趣的是, 在北美更低, but that could be due to the fact that older viewers tend to "watch more traditional broadcast television than younger ones, with those age 61 and older watching at least an hour more [broadcast television] per week than those 18-35."

What appears to tie the two findings—an increase in new subscriptions to streaming services for younger viewers, alongside with an increase in overall video consumption in older viewers—is the fact that, 而在线观看则全面增加, 在18至35岁年龄组中,这一比例明显上升得更快, with 18- to 25-year-olds watching almost 50% more online video hours than broadcast video, and 26- to 35-year-olds watching 20% more online compared to traditional broadcast hours.

虽然这还不是一个明确的趋势, it’s worth noting that the correlation appears to be fairly consistent: Watching more online video hours leads to a higher likelihood of subscribing to multiple streaming services. 

和, given the fact that older respondents watch almost as many overall video hours as younger respondents, an acceleration of media consumption towards online viewing may very well trend towards an uptick in multiple streaming service subscriptions for viewers that are 61 years old or older. 

查看报告全文 在这里.

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