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During last week's Streaming Media West Connect 2020, I had the opportunity to share a few highlights 来自最近的《百家乐软件》调查. That report, 并强调了自去年以来的6个月里,新冠肺炎对流媒体行业的影响 State of Streaming survey,将于10月下旬由流媒体发布. In the meantime, Bitmovin团队发布了年度视频开发者报告, 哪些是开发者在2020年看到的一些变化.

Bitmovin首席执行官Stephen Lederer指出,自2017年以来,Bitmovin的调查每年都会在IBC会议上发布, traditionally held in September in Amsterdam. While that show was cancelled, Lederer指出,2020年的调查版本显示参与率显着增加, up 46% from 2019 to 792 respondents. “这反映了当今视频流媒体行业的发展和重要作用," Lederer says.

Bitmovin报告中的几个关键亮点集中在各种收入类型的作用上, from advertising to subscription.

尽管在2019年至2020年的报告中,使用订阅式视频点播(SVOD)商业模式的受访者比例保持在56%的水平, there was a significant shift in AVOD, or advertising-based video on-demand business.

In 2019, 48% of respondents used AVOD business models, 但到2020年,这一比例降至41%,尽管服务器端广告插入(SSAI)在AVOD企业中越来越受欢迎,但牺牲了客户端广告插入(CSAI)。, 这类广告在所有广告驱动模式中所占的比例还不到一半. It's not a surprise that SSAI is dominating, 考虑到广告拦截器的数量,甚至是成熟的浏览器, like Duck Duck Go—has continued to rise.

On the codec front, Bitmovin notes that H.264 continues to be the dominant codec, with a whopping 91% usage rage by participants, almost twice as many as used the next highest codec, H.265 (42%). 报告指出,即使像H.265 and AV1 are more efficient, “浏览器和设备制造商对它们的支持是分散的”,这导致这些新编解码器的采用率总体较低.

Bitmovin围绕COVID-19对业务和技术优先事项的影响提出了一系列具体问题, 受访者对其回答的优先顺序如下:

  1. Cost reduction
  2. Faster time to market
  3. Changing business models
  4. Reducing size of work teams
  5. Acquiring new content
  6. Other

Still, 而关于covid -19的问题得到了大量回应, 报告指出,“有趣的是,有相当多的参与者让我们知道了这一点, surprisingly, COVID-19 has not impacted their work."

On the HTTP-based video technology front, 另一个有趣的注意事项是MPEG-DASH的持续提升, or Dynamic Adaptive Streaming via HTTP. 而苹果的HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)仍然以79%的使用率位居榜首, 65% of participants use DASH.

“调查参与者似乎急于摆脱需要两种不同格式来服务大多数设备的局面," the report notes, 将他们的希望寄托在HLS/DASH CMAF和fMP4流媒体作为组合传输格式的乌托邦上."

Finally, on the low-latency front, 该报告指出,“60%的视频开发者的延迟预期为5秒或更短." 

While that's a bit of a rise from the 2019 report, 更有趣的是,几乎三分之一的受访者现在期望他们的流的延迟不超过一秒, 这与低延迟HLS (LL-HLS)的出现有很好的关系,正如我在本月关于实时事件扩展的算法系列文章中介绍的最新Pantos规范所介绍的那样. 

The full Bitmovin report can be downloaded here.

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