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Tutorial: Client Collaboration and Review With and Wipster

Here we demonstrate and Wipster, 两项新服务,通过与Adobe Premiere Pro和Media Encoder的直接集成,使客户能够审查正在进行的视频项目.

In this tutorial, 我将告诉你一些让我的生活变得更轻松的事情:拥有一种与客户共享视频项目的有效方式,允许他们评论和批准视频,而无需通过Dropbox之类的服务反复上传和下载文件, or Google Drive or a private FTP. 我将重点介绍目前可用的两个服务 and Wipster. Frame 一家总部位于纽约的公司最近因其移动应用程序获得了苹果设计奖吗. Wipster is based in New Zealand. 如果你是Vimeo用户,你可能知道它们,因为它们与

而不是比较它们或者宣称一个比另一个好, 我将把它们介绍给你,这样你就可以知道你可以用它们做什么, 然后自己判断哪个对你来说是更好的选择. Both of these services have integration with Premiere Pro now. They have their own panels that you can download and install. If you haven't installed a custom panel before, a custom panel is like a plug-in, 但它为您提供了完整的工具集,并在您的应用程序中提供了自己的窗口.

Both and Wipster do more than just loading a webpage within the application; they’re software to run inside Premiere Pro. This approach is very efficient. 它不会使任何事情陷入困境,因为它使您不必在应用程序之外以手动方式导出视频, and then open your browser, and navigate to a webpage and upload the video. It does it all from without the application.

Let's start by walking through For this example, I'm going to share a video with two of my family members, 他们已经准备好了,等着我把这些视频上传后评论. 随附的视频展示了他们的评论是如何实时发布的, 以及我如何将它们同步到我的时间表上,然后开始处理他们想要看到的评论和更改.

我们将处理我最近刚刚完成的一个项目. On the left in Figure 1 (below) 你会看到我的Premiere Pro程序监视器,我的时间轴和我编辑的项目. 我已经完成了这个项目,我想把它发给客户反馈,看看他们的想法.

Figure 1. Left to right: my Premiere Pro Program Monitor, the Frame.io面板和Wipster审查面板,在上传任何剪辑进行审查之前. Click the image to see it at full size.

To begin, I’ll upload a video in the Frame panel. You can choose from the options shown in Figure 2 (below). 当然我想要这个活动序列,因为这是我在Premiere Pro中工作的项目. 接下来,您可以选择质量选项:ProRes,音频,或两种不同的web压缩. I'm going to choose the 720 because that's adequate for a review, and you can choose what part of the project you want to render, and then you can tell it where to go.

Figure 2. Choosing rendering settings in

在我的情况下,我将把它设置到我的外部硬盘驱动器上的一个文件夹,因为那是我保存所有内容的地方. Regarding the checkboxes below the pull-downs, 如果你已经给你的客户做了评论和标记,你现在可以把它们包括进去, or you can leave them off, 然后你可以保留渲染的文件或者上传它,然后从本地驱动器中删除它. 自动版本控制使您可以在以后上传更多的版本,而不必每次都创建一个新项目. 它会说,“这是版本二,这是版本三”等等.

Next you click Upload. will launch Adobe Media Encoder in the background, and then it will automatically start encoding the video. As soon as it is done encoding it will upload the video to's servers.

Once it's uploaded I'll then use the Share button shown in Figure 3 (below) 与任何人分享,我希望能够对这个项目发表评论. 这段视频现在已经上传到Frame的服务器上,并进行了处理,我可以把它分享给我想评论的人. By clicking Share I can turn on sharing if it's not already, 复制一个独一无二的私人链接,分享给任何我想分享的人.

Figure 3. Sharing the video

As you can see in Figure 4 (below), I've opened my Frame account in the browser. 从这里,我可以看到人们什么时候开始评论这个视频. I can watch the video, I can make comments myself, 我可以回应下面的任何评论,因为他们开始进来. This is your account, this is where you'd make all your changes, set up payments, change preferences, and you can change different options of the video itself.

Figure 4. running in the browser. Click the image to see it at full size.

灰度模式的工作原理有点像那些只在取景器中喜欢灰度的人, it eliminates the color from being distracting. You can have the timeline scroll while you play, 当然,你可以在看的时候打开或关闭评论. 根据您的观看环境以及您想要如何定制它,您可以在这里这样做. 在这个窗口中你可以做的其他事情是与更多的人分享视频,并决定他们是否可以下载它.

You can see in Figure 4 that my wife made a comment on the video. If I click on the comment, Frame.IO带我回到那个时候,它告诉我她指的是什么. She says, "What do you think about shortening the sequence?" at 0:27, so I know she's referring to the middle section. I can then reply to her and say, "No way, I'm the editor here." She will immediately be notified about my snarky comment.