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教程:如何在NewBlueFX Titler Pro 5中创建自定义动画标题

Titler Pro 5是一个节省时间的工具,可以产生一些惊人的结果, 拥有大量的模板和预构建的动画,可以为您的视频添加很多内容.

Working in Titler Pro 5

After you confirm the dimensions of your project, Titler Pro 5 launches with its straightforward interface (Figure 5, below). UI有几个面板,您可以根据需要移动它们,类似于Adobe应用程序.

Figure 5. The Titler Pro 5 UI

从左到右,我们将从Library面板(Figure 6, below). Here you can browse through several different templates.

Figure 6. The Library panel

Double-clicking the folders will open the various templates. 只需将鼠标悬停在每个模板上,就可以在工作区面板中显示模板的预览(Figure 7, below).

Figure 7. Previewing a template in the Workspace panel

Customizing Text

You can double-click to edit any of the templates that you like. 自定义文本非常简单,只需单击工作区面板中的标题并将其替换为您喜欢的任何内容(Figure 8, below).

Figure 8. Replacing text

在工作区面板的左侧,您将看到Attributes面板(Figure 9, below). In this area you can fine-tune the look of your title. 在这里你可以改变字体,大小和一些风格设置的标题.

Figure 9. The Attributes panel

控件的工作方式是使用滑块增加或减少值,或者简单地在键盘上输入值. Back in the Timeline panel, 你可以展开图层选项并调整一些东西,比如这个标题的动画进出方式.

In Figure 10 (below), 您可以在时间轴中看到模板过渡被设置为Bubble Up, which works really well with this brand. However, 您可以通过选择过渡层,然后导航回属性面板来更改它.

Figure 10. Template transition set to Bubble Up

Select a preset drop-down and choose one of the other options (Figure 11, below). 在这个面板中有更多的选项来定制你的标题.

Figure 11. More customization options

Back in the Timeline panel, 你可以通过双击和编辑属性面板中的选项直接编辑其他图层. 可以使用颜色选择器或输入十六进制代码将颜色匹配到客户端或公司品牌.

您还可以对这些对象进行许多其他风格选择,如下所示. Once you're happy, you'll want to save this project by going to the toolbar and choosing File > Save as. Confirm the destination of your title and then select Save.

请注意,当你有Titler Pro 5打开,Premiere Pro将锁定自己. 所以使用这个应用程序的最好方法是在你保存完你的工作后关闭它,然后再回到Premiere Pro.

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