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Sennheiser and 1之外 Announce Advanced Camera Tracking Solution for TeamConnect Ceiling 2

音频专家Sennheiser和1之外, 相机跟踪解决方案的行业领导者, announce the release of a new camera tracking solution that offers voice-activated camera tracking for rooms of any size: classrooms, 会议室, 多功能会议空间等.

音频专家Sennheiser和1之外, 相机跟踪解决方案的行业领导者, announce the release of a new camera tracking solution that offers voice-activated camera tracking for rooms of any size: classrooms, 会议室, 多功能会议空间等.

Customers are enjoying the integration of the 1之外 Automate VX and Sennheiser’s Team Connect Ceiling 2 (TCC2). Integrators have deployed the pair at financial institutions, 大学和医院从2021年初夏开始.

This solution leverages the audio quality and accurate beam position information provided by the TCC2 microphone array combined with 1之外’s advanced camera positioning algorithm to offer close-up shots of people speaking in a room, whether they are seated or standing anyw在这里 in a room.

Multiple ceiling microphones can be combined to cover larger spaces and up to 12 cameras can be placed anyw在这里 to get the best camera angles regardless of w在这里 the speaker is located.

Some of the distinguishing features of this solution include:

• An intelligent switching algorithm: with multiple cameras the remote participants see broadcast style cuts and no camera movement.
• Auto-configuration based on a room design: No camera presets need to be set manually
• Customizable shot widths: the installer can select how tight or broad the camera angles should be
• Ability to distinguish between seated and standing participants: uses the microphone’s reported height as well as horizontal position of the talker
• More possible camera angles per microphone: The beam can point to up to 700 unique positions giving more precise audio location information.
• Multi-source layouts: show wide shot of room along with active speaker for context
• Discussion mode that shows the two most recent talkers in side-by-side

“1之外’s Automate VX solution has been on the market for over 4 years and is a mature product with many advanced features” says Terry Cullen, 首席执行官/创始人, 1之外. “我们对这次合作感到兴奋. The combination of Sennheiser and 1之外 technologies really advances the state of the art for voice-tracking camera solutions”.

“1之外 offers advanced camera tracking that pairs perfectly with the TCC2 microphone array,查理·琼斯解释道。, Global Alliance and Partnership Manager for Sennheiser. “不像市场上的其他产品, the TCC2 does not limit the number of zones you can use for camera tracking. This allows the real-time positional information from the microphone to automatically switch the cameras to the optimal view, 不管演讲者在房间的哪个位置, ensuring a lifelike meeting and classroom experience for remote participants. 1之外 has even automated the system setup resulting in a system that is extremely powerful while still easy to deploy.”

在这个简短的视频演示中查看解决方案: www.1之外.com/automate-vx/.

联系 sales@1之外.com for more information or book a TCC2 demo slot with Sennheiser 在这里.



1之外公司. designs and manufactures automated camera solutions for streaming, recording and video conferencing. Specializing in intelligent tracking cameras and automatic multi-camera switching systems, 1之外 provides an enhanced video communications experience for universities, corporations and government organizations without increasing the need for production or IT staff. 


Shaping the future of audio and creating unique sound experiences for customers – this aim unites Sennheiser employees and partners worldwide. The independent family company, which is managed in the third generation by Dr. Andreas Sennheiser和Daniel Sennheiser, is today one of the world’s leading manufacturers of headphones, 喇叭, 麦克风和无线传输系统. www.森海塞尔.com