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Dejero和Dazzl的整合背后可靠的连接和多功能的内容交付Courchevel铁人三项和Torgon Trail为TV8万宝龙

Dejero and Dazzl have formed a partnership to simplify cloud-based live production and have already delivered their first projects; facilitating uninterrupted coverage of two challenging high-profile alpine races, the Dynastar X3 Courchevel Triathlon 2021 and the Torgon Trail 2021, by local French TV station TV8 Mont-Blanc. Dejero的高质量视频贡献技术和Dazzl的云原生视频直播制作能力的结合是确保在瑞士-法国边境复杂的网络环境中完美直播这两项活动的关键.

“dizzl和Dejero具有出色的协同作用,可以在几秒钟内连接并连接到任何其他类型的源, such as drones and phones,” said Pierre Boucaud, president of TV8 Mont-Blanc. “将dizzl和Dejero结合起来,消除了传统控制室的大量布线和安装需求. 这种结合使广播公司能够提供具有多种可能性的高质量直播, including very welcome network stability. Our live footage was watched by more than 100,000 people over a combination of digital and linear platforms, so this weekend was a real success for us.”

每场比赛持续约6个小时,包括跨越不同高山景观的不同体能挑战, 该地区因法国和瑞士电信运营商的网络覆盖波动而臭名昭著. Credited to the flexibility, 可靠性和无缝连接由Dejero EnGo 260移动发射机提供, along with Dazzl’s mobile apps, TV8 Mont-Blanc was able to navigate this challenge, and viewers were able to enjoy every second of each event over numerous platforms.

“The Dejero system provided the delivery of stable footage, at the level of the finish line in particular, switching seamlessly from French to Swiss networks depending on availability,” added Boucaud. “Dejero is a real plus for broadcasters, as it guarantees that we have top quality images to ingest live. Despite the fact we were filming in France, the EnGo worked perfectly on the Swiss networks too, with three of the six SIM cards integrated. 它是完全稳定的,保证直播无处不在,没有任何问题. 我深信,我们需要将这个工具整合到我们的日常工作流程中.”

Dejero的智能混合技术通过将多个网络聚合到一个服务中,创建了一个有弹性的互联网连接, 它允许传输高质量的实时视频,延迟低至0.8 seconds. 这两个事件的镜头都是通过多种来源传送的,以捕捉所有类型的行动, including drones, Lumix GH5 cameras, an iPad filming a TV set, smartphones running the Dazzl application along the race, 以及通过Dejero云服务器连接到Dazzl的低延迟Dejero EnGo移动发射机技术. 这些百家乐软件通过RTMP传输到炫酷云服务器,供TV8万宝龙制作人使用. Three live streams were created, two high-quality and one low quality, for distribution over Vimeo, YouTube and TV8 Mont-Blanc’s linear TV channel.

“The teamwork between Dejero and Dazzl at the event was fantastic,” added Thierry Scozzesi, CEO at Dazzl. “Dejero EnGo和Dazzl移动应用程序使我们能够为TV8勃朗峰提供令人印象深刻的现场拍摄和独特的视角,尽管环境. 与Dejero的合作给了我们这样的灵活性和高质量的镜头,我们现在可以自信地为广播公司提供更便携的产品, 对于通常很难覆盖的事件,这是一种反应性的、经济有效的解决方案.”

Dejero’s cloud server allows Dazzl to stream video to web and mobile devices, 简化以多种格式向网络和移动设备发布直播或录制视频流的复杂任务.

通过将Dazzl的云视频平台与Dejero的移动发射机和视频传输解决方案集成, users gain access to live broadcast production, live clipping, rapid editing and video distribution tools in the field.

这种综合技术还使活动或节目制作能够通过多平台交付获得更广泛的受众和更多的参与. Live content can be fed to broadcast, digital and social platforms simultaneously from anywhere in the world.

“与Dazzl的合作为现场制作公司和活动组织者提供了一些绝佳的机会,可以简化他们的制作流程并降低成本,” said Yvonne Monterroso, director of product management, Dejero. “With this new set of tools, 制作团队在该领域的内容创作和向更广泛或新的受众提供内容方面具有更大的灵活性.”

About Dejero
Driven by its vision of reliable connectivity anywhere, Dejero aggregates diverse connectivity paths including LTE and 5G cellular, 卫星和宽带进入一个虚拟的“网络的网络”,以提供增强的可靠性, expanded coverage, and greater bandwidth using cloud-based technology. A two-time technical Emmy® Award winner, Dejero是值得信赖的解决关键任务的实时视频传输和实时数据传输挑战的组织在世界各地. Dejero成立于2008年,总部位于加拿大安大略省滑铁卢市. For more information, visit

About Dazzl
Dazzl is the Next Generation cloud video platform. Dazzl是一款SAAS云视频制作套件,革命性地改变了移动视频内容的现场制作和交付. Dazzl provides a new level of freedom for cloud-based live video production.

Dazzl Cloud video platform overcomes historic reliance on costly, inflexible hardware-based media systems. Using just a browser, 这个革命性的平台带来了前所未有的灵活性,可以从多个来源进行实时流切换, locations and devices to the cloud, enabling producers to create unique, digital-first broadcasts for social platforms, websites and mobile apps and only pay for what you use.

Dazzl customers range from Large Broadcasters to Live Sports to event producers. Dazzl解决方案支持任何距离的远程生产,而不会影响用户体验, “Anytime, Anywhere”
We make the Future of Broadcasting Virtual Production