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Marshall CV368 Captures Unique Perspective for Bridge II Sports’ Valor Games Southeast 2022 3-On-3 Wheelchair Basketball Tournament Live Stream

Compact Global Shutter Camera with Genlock Offers Broadcast Quality Video Performance With Simultaneous Output Formats

The 2022 Bridge II Sports’ Valor Games Southeast 3-on-3 wheelchair basketball tournament recently took place and was live streamed thanks to Leading Edge Multimedia and its CEO and founder, 大卫·安德森. 安德森转向CV368紧凑型全球快门相机与Genlock从 马歇尔电子,捕捉竞争对手的动作.

安德森第一次听说马歇尔是通过一位业内同事. 在和我的朋友谈过之后, I emailed Marshall and was really impressed by the quick response I received from Tod Musgrave, 马歇尔摄影总监,安德森说。. 这个人说:“托德给我送了一台相机来测试,我一试,它就让我大吃一惊. 我就知道我需要马歇尔. 自从, I have looked to use Marshall products whenever possible and knew my CV368 would be ideal to provide a unique perspective above the backboard for this wheelchair basketball tournament.”

桥牌II体育为青少年创造机会, 成年人, and veterans with physical disabilities to ‘Find the Player Within’ through the power of adapted sports. The non-profit organization believes that sports empower and change lives on and off the court and challenge perceptions of disability in the community. The tournament included veterans and service members with disabilities as well as non-veterans/service members with physical disabilities taking the court in spirited competition and camaraderie.

“The team at Bridge II Sports originally contacted me looking for a one camera live stream,安德森补充道。. “When I arrived on-site and realized how incredibly important this event was and how amazing all of the people involved were, 我知道我需要使出浑身解数. 只有两周的准备时间,我最终使用了四台马歇尔相机.”

CV368 POV相机提供了令人印象深刻的1/1.8英寸全局快门.200万像素传感器,像素尺寸大25%, 对超快的, 低延迟捕获,即使在具有挑战性的光环境. CV368的强大的全局快门传感器与Genlock(信号同步), 为各种应用程序生成清晰的图像. The CV368 flexible CS lens mount (lens sold separately) makes this the most capable POV camera in the compact camera lineup.

安德森说:“马歇尔CV368真的很亮,因为它很小,但功能却很强大. “因为它的大小, it was less likely to be impacted by a ball since it was placed over the top of the backboard. 我本想在一场比赛中使用三到四次这个角度, 但在整个比赛过程中,我用了将近300次. 这是我的首选,因为所有的动作都发生在网下.”\

安德森还发现CV368在其他方面也很出色. 根据安德森, “马歇尔在各个方面都击败了竞争对手, 尤其是在光线不足的情况下. 使用Marshall可以让我非常便携,因为它占用的空间很小, 但也有惊人的图像质量. 没有什么能与之竞争,尤其是直播.”

Bridge II Sports founder and CEO Ashley Thomas was also very appreciative of Anderson and his Marshall cameras. “David (Anderson) stepped up in an incredible way and let us show people wheelchair basketball,托马斯说。. “大卫在篮板上使用微型马歇尔相机的想法改变了游戏规则. That little camera allowed our live stream to put viewers in the middle of the action and really engage with the audience. 这些图像是如此令人难以置信的充满活力. 太棒了.”


40多年来, 马歇尔一直是一个值得信赖的高质量和可靠的视频提供商, 广播用音频和多媒体系统, 箴A / V, 专业音频, 全球UCC和OEM应用. 马歇尔致力于为高科技市场提供创新的相机, 格式转换器, 监控, switchers and production equipment at great value without sacrificing quality or reliability. 


欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.marshall-usa.com.

  2. The2022Bridge II Sports’Valor Games Southeast3-on-3 wheelchairbasketball tournamentrecentlytook placeandwaslive streamedthankstoLeadingEdge Multimedia anditsCEO and founder, 大卫·安德森.安德森转向马歇尔电子公司的v368compact globalshuttercamerawithgenlock,tocapturethe actionofthecompetition.安德森第一次听说马歇尔是通过一位业内同事.在和我的朋友谈过之后,我给马歇尔发了邮件,托德·马斯格雷夫的快速回复给我留下了深刻的印象,马歇尔摄影总监,安德森说。.这个人说:“我刚一回来,托德就派了一架照相机来参加测试,我大吃一惊. 我知道我需要马歇尔的库存.从那时起,Ihavelookedto useMarshallproductswhenever possibleand knewmy CV368 would be ideal toprovide a unique perspective above the backboardforthis wheelchairbasketballtournament.“桥二体育为年轻人创造了机会, 成年人, andveterans with physical disabilities to ‘Findthe PlayerWithin’ through the power of adapted sports.Thenon-profit organizationbelievesthatsportsempowerandchangelives on and offthe courtand challengeperceptions of disabilityinthecommunity.Thetournamentincludedveteransandservice members withdisabilitiesas well asnon-veterans/service members with physicaldisabilitiestaking the court inspirited competition and camaraderie.“bridge II sports的团队最初联系我是为了寻找一个单摄像头直播,”安德森补充道.“WhenIarrivedon-site and realized howincredibly importantthis event was and how amazingall of the peopleinvolvedwere, 我知道我需要全力以赴. 只有两周的准备时间,我最终使用了四台马歇尔相机.“v368pov相机提供了令人印象深刻的1/1.8英寸全局快门.200万像素传感器,像素尺寸大25%,对超快的,低延迟捕获,即使在具有挑战性的轻环境.该v368的强大的全局快门传感器与Genlock(信号同步),为各种应用提供清晰的图像.The CV368 flexibleCS lens mount (lens soldseparately) makes thisthe most capable POV camerain the compact camera lineup.“马歇尔cv368真的很亮眼,因为它很小却很强大,”桑德森说.“Due toits size, itwasless likelytobeimpacted byaballsince it wasplacedover the top of the backboard.我本想在一场比赛中使用三四次这样的战术,但在整个比赛过程中,我大概用了将近300次. 这是我的首选,因为所有的行动都发生在网上.安德森还发现CV368在其他方面也很出色.根据安德森,“马歇尔在各个方面都超越了竞争对手,especiallychallenginglightsituations.UsingMarshall allows me tobe very portabledue toitssmall footprint, but alsowithamazingimage quality. 没有什么能与之竞争,尤其是直播.”Bridge II Sports founder andCEO AshleyThomas was also very appreciative of Anderson and his Marshallcameras.“David(Anderson)stepped up in an incredible way and let us show people wheelchairbasketball,“saysThomas.“大卫的侧身,在篮板上的微型马歇尔相机是一个游戏改变者. That littlecameraallowed our livestream toput viewers in the middle of the actionand really engage with the audience.这些图像是如此令人难以置信的充满活力.太棒了.”
  3. 马歇尔桥II体育决赛.医生
    MarshallCV368Captures Unique Perspective forBridge II Sports’Valor Games Southeast2022 3-On-3WheelchairBasketball TournamentLiveStream/Page 2马歇尔:For over 40years, 马歇尔一直是一个值得信赖的高质量和可靠的视频提供商, 广播用音频和多媒体系统, 箴A / V, 专业音频, ucca和OEM应用全球. 马歇尔致力于为高科技市场提供创新的相机,格式转换器, 监控, switchers and productionequipment at great value without sacrificing quality or reliability.为更多的信息,visitwww.marshall-usa.com.联系人:todmusgrave CamerasMarshallElectronics总监(800)800-6608