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FrameTrunk Takes on UltraHD Production and Post with AJA Corvid 88

As more clients began to express interest in UltraHD, FrameTrunk用高密度AJA Corvid 88视频和音频I/O卡改进了它的实时摄取系统, which help manage multiple, high resolution input and output streams

快闪式生产和post最好地描述了服务的味道 FrameTrunk offers its clients. The UK-based company works with broadcasters, 生产公司和企业提供量身定制的解决方案和现场支持,从摄取到编辑的一切, cloud-based logging, live streaming, contribution and more. 

As more clients began to express interest in UltraHD, FrameTrunk用高密度AJA Corvid 88视频和音频I/O卡改进了它的实时摄取系统, which help manage multiple, high resolution input and output streams.

“去年,客户对超高清的需求显著增加. To keep pace and stay competitive, we need to be able to tackle any size resolution or frame rate, and with AJA Corvid 88, we are more than capable. 它支持超高清50p和无数其他高清传输标准和帧率, 2K, UltraHD and 4K delivery," shared James Hunter, CTO, FrameTrunk.

AJA Corvid 88

Corvid 88s are predominantly used in FrameTrunk's live ingest system, 哪一种支持同时生成高分辨率和代理媒体. While media is encoded, the company's proprietary software suite regrows files onto SANs for chase-based live edits or delivery drives; proxy files can also be delivered into its cloud-based MAM for live logging. 

“Corvid 88是我们摄取系统的理想补充,因为它给了我们应对这种高压环境所需的信心," added Joel Gilbert, CIO, FrameTrunk.

FrameTrunk recently deployed the system to help LiveNation deliver its first UltraHD production for the Download rock music festival in Donnington for Sky Arts. 任务是每天从两个阶段通过8个频道3840x2160 50p传送超过11小时的事件镜头, 该公司依靠Corvid 88来摄取四链路3G-SDI ISO和TX事件馈送. Ingest nodes were Linux-based, FrameTrunk的软件从一个中央平台控制多个记录节点. 

To balance out the large volume of data required, 每个记录通道都有自己的记录节点,存储容量为26TB, supported by a secondary data backup for the three-day event. 

Once production wrapped, the edits, SAN和nearline被搬迁到伦敦的一个邮政设施,在那里,该项目使用传统的在线/离线工作流程完成,但使用高清离线和超高清在线.

Corvid 88的多功能性也允许FrameTrunk在其他应用程序中利用它们,例如向社交流媒体平台发送实时视频, or remote color grades. 

“AJA硬件非常强大,很容易与直播软件配对, so that we can easily send live client feeds to Facebook and YouTube," shared Gilbert. “我们最近还使用它们将南非的一个颜色等级回程到伦敦,以供客户实时评估. 南非的调色师能够使用独立的视频会议系统实时处理来自伦敦的实时客户反馈,这些都是我们服务的一部分."

In addition to Corvid 88, FrameTrunk also uses an assortment of AJA Mini-Converters, including Region of Interest (ROI) converters and Ki Pros. When clients host real-time voting applications online, roi帮助FrameTrunk团队从计算机工作站抓取任何基于计算机的图形,以便在大屏幕上为观众呈现高质量的计分板.

About Corvid 88
Corvid is a high-density, 多通道视频和音频I/O卡适用于需要多个同步输入和输出流的开发合作伙伴应用程序. 具有8个3G-SDI连接,可编程设置为单个PCIe 2上的输入或输出.0卡,它无缝集成到摄取和播放和通道在一个盒子系统. 连接可以连接在一起,以支持双链路或4K/超高清格式. Linux、Windows和macOS上的开发伙伴可以使用健壮的SDK. For more information, visit:

About FrameTrunk Ltd.
FrameTrunk自2014年以来一直提供外部广播和后期制作相关服务. 我们开始使用AJA Ki Pro录音机与我们自己的软件通过web API集中控制,并已经建立了我们的产品提供到一个完整的生产资产管理(PAM)系统,包括我们自己的基于linux的录音软件, 集中的数据库和控制系统构成了我们PAM系统的核心,其中包括基于web的登录进度剪辑,以及从客户端交付驱动器到云平台的几乎任何目的地到任何地方的录音/录制媒体的实时交付.

About AJA Video Systems, Inc.
Since 1993, AJA视频一直是视频接口技术的领先制造商, converters, digital video recording solutions and professional cameras, bringing high-quality, cost-effective products to the professional broadcast, video and post production markets. AJA产品的设计和制造在我们的工厂在草谷, California, 并通过遍布全球的经销商和系统集成商的广泛销售渠道进行销售. For further information, please see our website at