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混乱带来V-Ray 6,更新1到玛雅和Cinema 4D

世界上最完整的渲染工具带来散射, 自定义照明和更快的速度,更多的3D艺术家

Today, Chaos releases V-Ray 6, update 1 for Maya and Cinema 4D, 这是一个联合更新,为从事电影工作的艺术家带来了新的创意武器, TV, streaming and design. Whether they want to add millions of objects, 打破物理照明限制或产生逼真的场景更快, there’s now a better way to do it in V-Ray 6. 

Chaos Scatter 现在可以快速放置对象到场景中,以可信的随机或模式的方式,只需点击几下, without taxing an artist’s memory. While ideal for adding forests, grass and crowds, Chaos Scatter可以将其功能应用于任何环境-无论是自然的还是人为的-使得它很容易分散数百万个对象.

Using Custom Light Decay, 用户可以根据光源距离精确地确定他们想要的光的表现. 艺术家们现在可以自由地改变光线的强度, hotspots and spread/length of rays, 开启脱离物理规范的艺术效果.

In terms of speed, static mesh and hair optimizations can now take artists to first pixel 2.5 to 7x faster. Further savings are possible with the updated V-Ray Profiler (new to V-Ray for Cinema 4D), 现在,哪些功能可以突出更多的热点,供用户解决和调整. 新的指标包括导出场景所需的时间, compile geometry and displacement, load bitmaps and more, 所以美工们可以确保他们的制作流程顺利进行.

Additional features include: 

  • NVIDIA AI Denoiser Upscaling — For the lookdev and preview stages, 用户可以利用NVIDIA的新AI去噪器, which promises to boost rendering speeds by over 3x. 
  • V-Ray Frame Buffer: Masking for Post Effects 甚至更多的后处理控制现在是可用的,从V-Ray帧缓冲. With this new masking option, 艺术家可以决定对哪些对象应用镜头效果, which ones to blur, sharpen or even denoise — all without re-rendering.
  • Compressed Textures Mode 美工现在可以用V-Ray GPU以更节省内存的方式渲染纹理重的场景. 用户可以节省平均50%的GPU内存, while adding additional levels of detail, all without sacrificing shading quality.
  • V-Ray Clipper Mesh Mode -用户现在可以使用V-Ray GPU的任何网格对象渲染复杂的切面和部分. Rather than relying on Boolean operators, 用户只需点击几下鼠标,就可以使剪子动画化,以实现复杂的效果.
  • Bump to Glossiness — This new node automatically generates 法线贴图表面在任何距离上的正确光泽度 to avoid characters’ skin looking too shiny. 
  • Enhanced Procedural Clouds — Cloud density, 模式和新的最后触摸与尾迹可以用来创建新的, better-looking procedural skies.

随着通用功能提供给Maya和Cinema 4D用户, 每个平台还将收到一些特定于每个工具的附加功能. 

Only in V-Ray 6 for Maya, Update 1

Artists using V-Ray 6 for Maya will receive support for the latest versions of MayaUSD, as well as Beauty and masking render elements, and V-Ray Object Properties. Additionally, 发射材料现在可以包括在光线选择或微调光混合在V-Ray帧缓冲. 更新1还包括对Maya 2024和Apple硅处理器的支持. 

Only in V-Ray 6 for Cinema 4D, Update 1

V-Ray卡通材质现在提供了许多风格选择, 从细胞阴影到2D卡通效果等等. 一个V-Ray卡通对象将提供更多的创造性控制, allowing users to customize their outlines. 支持原生MoGraph颜色着色器也包括在内, 引入随机分配颜色到对象或粒子的能力,并使用效应器根据不同的标准着色. In addition, custom user attributes can control materials, textures and other parameters at once, 使管理场景中的多个对象/粒子系统变得容易.

对于产品的可视化和表面细节,更新1带来 cylindrical and bump upgrades to V-Ray Decal. 设计师现在可以很容易地在曲面上添加任何东西, from stickers and labels to imperfections, in a few clicks. Additive bumps have also been added, 因此,艺术家可以混合表面和贴花颠簸,使高度逼真的浮雕标志, lettering, cracked paint and more.

Pricing and Availability

V-Ray 6,更新1的玛雅和V-Ray 6,更新1的Cinema 4D现在都可用. Starting with V-Ray 6, V-Ray订阅许可适用于所有支持的主机应用程序,包括Maya, Cinema 4D, Houdini, 3ds Max, Nuke, Revit, Rhino, SketchUp and Unreal. Pricing information can be found in the V-Ray pricing page.

About Chaos 

Chaos为媒体和娱乐开发3D可视化技术, product design, architecture, engineering, construction, and manufacturing, 为整个设计范围内的参与者创建直观而强大的工作流程.

2022年,Chaos与Enscape合并,并收购了圆筒公司. The company's product portfolio includes V-Ray, a physically based renderer honored with an Academy Award and an Engineering Emmy; Enscape, a high-quality real-time rendering and virtual reality plugin; Corona, a high-performance photorealistic rendering engine; and Cylindo, 面向商业的三维家具产品可视化平台.