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全新PV3200PT IPS显示器, 专为今天的专业视频后期制作应用程序, 是一个32英寸4K超高清显示器,10位, 100% sRGB颜色, 遵循规则. 709标准

 明基美国公司., 国际知名的视觉显示解决方案提供商, 今天展示了全新的PV3200PT IPS显示器. 专为今天的专业视频后期制作应用程序, the 32-inch 4K Ultra HD display delivers incredible color precision via 10-bit, 100% sRGB颜色, 遵循规则. 709标准. 配有OSD控制器和Eye-Care技术, the new creative display provides a feature-rich and comfortable computer viewing experience that renders colors and details with the highest quality.

"Color accuracy is paramount to anyone working in the field of professional video postproduction,J说。.Y. 明基美国公司业务线管理副总裁. “PV3200PT具有精确的色彩还原和眼部护理技术, editing professionals will be able to work more efficiently and comfortably relying on a powerful tool that beats competitive products in its price point."

明基's PV3200PT meets all of the high-resolution requirements for professional editing. The stunning 4K UHD display has four times the resolution of conventional full HD 监控 and offers the clearest, 眼睛可以在视频中看到的最细微的细节, 图形, 设计和照片. 基于Rec的10位100% sRGB. 709, editing professionals can enjoy over one billion accurately displayed colors in accordance with the highest design industry standards to ensure every color is represented with the most optimal precision.

The PV3200PT specializes in reproducing color tones with a Delta-E value of less than or equal to two and features a 14-bit 3D Look Up Table (LUT) to display the most accurate color mixture for improved RGB color blending. 这导致无可挑剔的色彩和灰调再现. 除了, the monitor offers a brightness uniformity function enabling it to maintain a consistent image across the entire display. By balancing brightness to a deviation and chromaticity less than 10 percent, 显示器提供了更一致的观看体验. 单独测试以验证性能, the PV3200PT also features simple hardware and software calibration by allowing users to adjust the unit's image processing chip without altering 图形 card data.

An OSD controller provides preset custom modes so users can quickly switch between Rec. 709, EBU和SMPTE-C模式,提高编辑效率的同时节省时间. 创新的PV3200PT显示器是明基护眼产品的一部分, which are designed to increase visual comfort while performing common computer tasks. 而传统的屏幕以每秒200次的速度闪烁, 明基's ZeroFlicker™ technology eliminates flickering at all brightness levels to effectively reduce eye fatigue and provide a more comfortable viewing experience during prolonged sessions of computer use. 进一步的功能包括人体工程学定制,如身高, 倾斜, 枢轴和旋转调整.

明基PV3200PT显示器现已上市 明基Direct 零售价为1499美元. 有关明基全线产品的更多信息,请访问 www.明基.us.


The 明基 digital lifestyle brand stands for "Bringing Enjoyment and Quality to Life,“将生活方式与科技融合在一起, enjoyment with productivity and aesthetic design with purpose-built engineering. 正是这句箴言使明基成为世界第一. 以TI DLP®技术为动力的投影机品牌在美洲销售1个(1). 明基美国公司. offers an extensive line of visual display and presentation solutions that incorporate the very latest technologies. 该公司提供广泛的 色彩的™ 投影仪, ZOWIE电子竞技装备和显示器, 具有眼部护理技术的显示器, 交互式大画幅显示器, 移动音响产品, 云消费产品 and lifestyle 照明 for any application and market — home, 游戏, 的电子竞技, 教育, 企业, 政府, 礼拜场所, 数字标牌, A/V and IT — with cutting-edge models that lead the industry in performance, 可靠性, 环境可持续性与美学. 无论是互动投影仪还是教室的平板, 用于家庭影院的全高清3D投影仪, 会议室用的短距投影仪, 零售空间的数字标牌, 或者电子竞技用的LED背光显示器, 明基继续挑战数字显示器的限制. The company's products are available across North America through leading value-added distributors, 经销商和零售商. 更多信息请访问 www.明基.us.

更多信息请访问 www.明基.us.

(1) Based upon 2015Y data from the Quarterly Projector Shipment and Forecast Report from PMA Research

秉承“为生活带来快乐和品质”的企业愿景," 明基 Corporation is a world-leading human technology and solutions provider aiming to elevate and enrich every aspect of consumers' lives. 为了实现这一愿景, the company focuses on the aspects that matter most to people today — lifestyle, 业务, healthcare and 教育 — with the hope of providing people with the means to live better, 提高效率, 感觉更健康,提高学习能力. Such means include a delightful broad portfolio of people-driven products and embedded technologies spanning digital 投影仪, 监控, 交互式大画幅显示器, 音频产品, 云消费产品, 移动通信和生活方式照明. 因为这很重要.


The 明基 Group is a $22+ billion powerhouse comprised of nearly 20 independent companies operating in over 30 countries across numerous industries with a combined workforce of over 100,000名员工. 每个小组成员都是各自领域公认的领导者, 为明基集团的庞大百家乐软件做出了贡献, 广泛的R&D、战略优势鲜明. By leveraging each company's vertical specialization to create true scale across horizontal markets, the 明基 Group controls a highly efficient value chain with the unrivaled ability to deliver critical components and world-class solutions in the following industries: TFT-LCD, 绿色能源, 精细化工和先进材料, 照明, 集成电路设计, 精密组件, 系统集成, 品牌业务与服务. The Group is committed to profitable and sustainable 业务es that share its long-standing vision of Bringing Enjoyment and Quality to Life. 明基集团旗下公司有:明基公司, AU Optronics Corporation (world's top manufacturer of large-size TFT-LCD panels), 佳世达公司, 达丰电子公司, 明基ESCO公司.,明基材料公司.,明基古鲁公司.,明基医疗中心,明基医疗科技公司.明基牙科护理公司.,大新材料有限公司., Dazzo科技公司.,福豪斯公司., Lextar Electronics Corp.莉莉医疗公司. 和镭半导体公司.