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Tutorial: Client Collaboration and Review With and Wipster

Here we demonstrate and Wipster, 两项新服务,通过与Adobe Premiere Pro和Media Encoder的直接集成,使客户能够审查正在进行的视频项目.
Featured Articles, Posted 20 Sep 2016

Review: Video Devices PIX E5H Recording Video Monitor

视频设备PIX E5H 5”液晶显示器和4K录像机提供了很多功能-4K ProRes和H.264 dual recording, image assessment, 以及辅助视频拍摄的工具——在一个小而坚固的包装里.
Featured Articles, Posted 14 Sep 2016

Adobe创意云IBC 2016揭示:团队项目,可视化键盘快捷键地图,和更多

Adobe公布了4个关键的创意云应用程序的更新和改进:Premiere Pro, After Effects, Prelude, and Audition
Featured Articles, Posted 06 Sep 2016

Review: Livestream Mevo

如果你经常为社交媒体网站制作直播或点播视频, Livestream Mevo可以帮助您制作更精美、更吸引人的视频. While there are some rough edges in version 1.0, and there is a learning curve for operation, 对于任何寻求在社交媒体营销中利用视频力量的组织来说,Mevo都是必不可少的工具.
Featured Articles, Posted 06 Sep 2016

How to Stream to Facebook Live

Anyone can broadcast live on Facebook, 但如果你想通过电脑传输带有流媒体或编码软件的实时视频, read on.
Featured Articles, Posted 29 Aug 2016


Paul Schmutzler演示了新的红巨星宇宙效果和过渡套件中的关键动画功能.
Featured Articles, Posted 29 Aug 2016

Home Runs: Using Fibre to Direct and Deliver Live Shows Remotely

Peter Hartz解释了The Switch如何利用光纤技术来切割, switch, 并在他们的家庭办公室提供Univision的足球直播, 以及如何将基础设施用于一系列其他目的,包括直播OTT,这是他的直播峰会小组的摘录.
Featured Articles, Posted 25 Aug 2016

Choosing a 4K Camera for Live Events

在讨论超高清/4K的当前状态时,“当前”在2016年中期是一个快速变化的目标. 本文将向您介绍在现场制作和在线视频中使用4K所需的知识, from codecs to cameras.
Featured Articles, Posted 24 Aug 2016

Got Facebook Live? Take the Streaming Media Survey

As Facebook Live generates more and more buzz in the industry, 现场活动制作人和其他内容创作者会制定策略,如何最有效地利用它来吸引观众和粉丝,打造自己的品牌, 流媒体正在调查我们社区的读者,了解他们是如何使用Facebook Live的,以及他们到目前为止的体验. Results to come soon.
Featured Articles, Posted 15 Aug 2016

5 Ways To Use an iPad in Video Production

虽然ipad现在可能不在科技圈的前沿, the iPad is still a valuable video production tool. Here are five ways that we use the iPad in video shoots.
Featured Articles, Posted 14 Aug 2016


Featured Articles, Posted 12 Aug 2016

Review: Roland V-1HD Audio and Video Switcher

Featured Articles, Posted 08 Aug 2016

How to Leverage Twitter to Promote Your Brand

Twitter内容策略和规划经理Nina Mishkin提供了3个策略提示,教你如何利用Twitter让你的视频被看到, expand your reach, and grow your brand.
Featured Articles, Posted 01 Aug 2016

Tutorial: Integnity PhotoMotion After Effects Plug-in

本视频教程为Adobe After Effects提供了PhotoMotion速度和PhotoMotion Pro动画和3D插件的演练.
Featured Articles, Posted 31 Jul 2016

Review: EasyLive's Video-Mixer-in-the-Cloud

Offering live streaming accessible from any location, EasyLive promises no-fuss live streaming to multiple platforms. Here's how it performed in our testing.
Featured Articles, Posted 26 Jul 2016

Review: Yuneec Typhoon 4K ActionCam

您是否正在寻找一种简单的方法来获得平滑的4K手持镜头而不会打破银行? Yuneec台风4K动作相机是一个方便的小工具,可以轻松获得您想要的流畅镜头, if you can live with the limitations.
Featured Articles, Posted 25 Jul 2016

How to Build Successful Branding Campaigns with Online Video

Vimeo平台营销副总裁Anjali Sud讨论了通过点播在线视频建立品牌活动的成功(和不太成功)策略.
Featured Articles, Posted 19 Jul 2016

VR Reality Check: Challenges to Widespread Consumer Adoption

在我写这篇文章的时候,虚拟现实仍然是一个小众市场,但它正在成长,具有巨大的潜力. 以下是最新的发展,以及它在直播制作和流媒体世界中的应用意义.
Featured Articles, Posted 18 Jul 2016

NDI and Live Titling

If you haven't been watching the live titling space, you've missed the NDI revolution, 你的作品可能会在图像质量方面落后. In this article I'll explain what NDI is and how it works, 我将探索它如何增强新泰克TriCaster的标题能力, Telestream Wirecast, and vMix GO. 我还将介绍每个系统的基本功能,并讨论何时应该考虑第三方产品.
Featured Articles, Posted 12 Jul 2016

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