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LiveX Elevates Remote Streaming Production Above the Zoom Noise

在过去几个月里,LiveX所做的大部分生产工作都将远程贡献与高质量结合在一起, 在演播室的元素,以提高一个节目从现在熟悉的限制在家制作.
Featured Articles, Posted 22 Sep 2020

与Canela Bistro和Wine Bar的Mat Schuster谈论直播烹饪课程

总部位于旧金山的行政总厨马特·舒斯特(Mat Schuster)解释了他和他的侍酒师同事们是如何在网上直播烹饪课程的,并带着他们动手的学生一起参加, ingredients and all.
Featured Articles, Posted 16 Sep 2020

Vizrt Leverages Monarch EDGE for Remote & Cloud Production

Monarch EDGE编码器和解码器对通过公共互联网为VizrTV安全地传输高质量的实时视频,为无缝远程和基于云的制作提供动力.
Featured Articles, Posted 08 Sep 2020


格莱美提名的金属核乐队UnderOath打算通过给他们的粉丝一些新的东西来填补一年的巡演取消所留下的空白:三个直播,从上到下播放粉丝最喜欢的专辑, produced in the cinematic style of the band's music videos.
Featured Articles, Posted 08 Sep 2020

Vote Now for the 2020 Readers' Choice Awards!

Let the competition begin! 投票是为最重要的流媒体视频行业奖项开放的,因为获奖者是由社区自己选出的. 当您投票时,您将有机会赢得HuddleCamHD Pro IP NDI网络摄像头!
Featured Articles, Posted 02 Sep 2020

How Can Universities Raise the Bar for Remote Learning?

Featured Articles, Posted 02 Sep 2020

Brooklyn Bowl Nashville: FANS in the Stream

On May 15, 纳什维尔布鲁克林碗成为全国第一个没有现场观众的直播音乐会的音乐场所之一. 但Dayglo Presents的“流媒体粉丝”(Fans in the Stream)技术将在线观众带到表演者面前,也让他们彼此之间产生了联系.
Featured Articles, Posted 01 Sep 2020

Remote-Streaming Government Meetings with GovTV

Built to offer flexible, turnkey, scalable, cloud-based, 向政府机构和其他组织举行公开会议进行c - span式的直播报道, GovTV的BroadcastManager系统比安装的一个或多个系统需要更多的现场足迹, remotely controlled, robotic cameras its clients request.
Featured Articles, Posted 25 Aug 2020

Review: Mevo Start All-in-One Live Streaming Camera

The Mevo Start is a little camera with a lot of built-in capability. 尽管Start可以直接从相机本身流式传输到社交媒体, I'm going to take a look at it specifically for higher-end, multi-camera use as part of an NDI-based production.
Featured Articles, Posted 19 Aug 2020

Challenges of Building Out eLearning

Sonic Foundry副总裁客户成功Bill Cherne在流媒体东部连接2020的这段视频中讨论了在大学校园快速增加电子学习的过程.
Featured Articles, Posted 12 Aug 2020

Post-Pandemic Storytelling: The New Fault Tolerance

Using remote production, houses of worship, schools, concerts, and creative individuals can utilize their flexible, 软件支持的系统,使他们的信息在大流行期间和以后能够传播到世界各地.
Featured Articles, Posted 12 Aug 2020

MixOne Soundstage: Audience-Less Shows with a Festival Feel

Sidelined from rock tours and festivals by the COVID-19 crisis, MixOne Sound put their gear, expertise, 还有存储空间可以用来建造一个最先进的摄影棚,旨在通过无观众的表演提供类似音乐节的直播体验.
Featured Articles, Posted 03 Aug 2020

First Look: BirdDog FLEX NDI Converters

独家第一眼审查新的鸟狗Flex NDI转换器, a tiny device that delivers tally, audio, video, PTZ control, audio intercom, and power via a single Ethernet cable.
Featured Articles, Posted 30 Jul 2020

How to Target and Test Your Livestreams

Featured Articles, Posted 22 Jul 2020

Penny Arcade在Blackmagic设计切换器和相机的帮助下上线

直播已经成为Penny Arcade业务的重要组成部分, especially for its several weekly online shows, which air live on Penny Arcade's Twitch channel, "PennyArcade," and are later uploaded to its YouTube channel, "pennyarcadeTV" (PATV), attracting tens of thousands of viewers.
Featured Articles, Posted 20 Jul 2020

Recommended Tools for Lecture Capture and Streaming

Ohio State's Justin Troyer, 宾夕法尼亚大学的克里斯托弗·马丁和圣母大学的埃里克·尼斯利在这段来自流媒体东部连接2020的视频中讨论了他们目前的电子学习解决方案部署.
Featured Articles, Posted 14 Jul 2020

How University Media Services Pivoted to Distance Learning

Featured Articles, Posted 14 Jul 2020

Best Practices for Streaming Deployment

Featured Articles, Posted 08 Jul 2020

NewTek首次推出顶级的TriCaster 2 Elite,具有实时通话连接功能

Featured Articles, Posted 07 Jul 2020

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