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教程:动画公司标志在Adobe After Effects CC

而动画客户的标志可能是一个耗时的过程, 它为您的视频项目增加了更多的生产价值和生命. This tutorial will demonstrate how to create dynamic logo animations using Adobe After Effects CC and Adobe Illustrator.

作为专业的视频编辑, most of us have had clients ask us to animate their logo in the work we produce for them. 本质上, they are asking for their logo to stand out a little more than in the static version they normally use in their brochures, 抵押品, 以及其他营销材料.

While this can be a time-consuming process, it does have its rewards. 它为您的视频项目增加了更多的生产价值和生命. There is also a good chance that your client already has the logo created, 所以你并不是从零开始. 在本教程中, we'll take a few minutes to demonstrate how to animate a static logo using After Effects CC 2014 and Adobe Illustrator.


The first thing you need to do to make this workflow work is to request the logo in an Adobe Illustrator format. 这些文件以 .每股收益或 .AI. 您希望使用这些文件类型,因为它们是基于矢量的. In a nutshell, this means that you can scale the logo in size without losing resolution.

Illustrator is included as an application if you are an active Adobe Creative Cloud member.

在Adobe Illustrator中准备Logo

我们将在Adobe Illustrator中开始这个项目. Here, we'll make a few adjustments to prepare this logo for use in After Effects. 从图层面板开始, 你可以看到这个标志的所有元素都存在于一个图层上. 我们希望每一部分都是独立存在的, 这样我们就可以单独添加效果和动画标志元素. 为了打破标志, we have to select the triangle drop-down in the upper right of the layer’s panel and choose Release to Layers (Sequence) (下面的图1).

图1. 拆分logo.

This gives us the ability to have each piece of the logo exist on separate layers. 选择释放的图层并将它们拖到图层1上方. Now we can do some housekeeping and rename the layers to something more descriptive than Layer 1, 层2, 等. 双击名称(下面的图2). 接下来,我们将这个版本的徽标保存为 .AI file, while using a different name to prevent overwriting the original logo.

图2. 重命名图层.

将Logo导入到After Effects中

现在,徽标已经准备好导入到After Effects中. With After Effects open, we will import the logo by navigating to File > Import > File.

Select the logo you just saved and make sure to change the Import As option from Footage to Composition - Retain Layer Sizes (下面的图3). This will enable us to see all of the logo layers separately inside of After Effects.

图3. Choose Retain Layer Sizes as your import options to see the layers individually in After Effects.

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