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The Downside of AI Captioning for Live Webcasts

LiveX's Corey Behnke discusses the need for accuracy in captioning that goes beyond what AI can do, particularly with the increased demand for accessibility that has accelerated during the pandemic, in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2021.

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Learn more about captioning in streaming at 流媒体 West 2021.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

科里本克先生: The thing about languages. I know Jeff was saying it's cute to use captions in Zoom. My clients that have captioning cannot use a robot or AI or Zoom to give their captions because, 字面上的, if it changes the word of one of my clients, what they're going to say, bad things happen and our professional error and emission service kicks in. So captions are a serious game as far as, getting into that AI thing. And I know Jeff was just being funny, 但是就像, I don't see a lot of really high-end broadcast productions utilizing AI. 约翰的观点, the demand and captioners, we saw that where we had smaller companies, we were going to use as captioners, and we had to go to some larger companies just because the demand for captioning has gotten so increased.

And I do think Jeff's going to get loaded up when they change and all the sports people need captions. He's going to have so much business, it's going to be crazy. 'Cause that's what it is. That's the difference. The pandemic definitely accelerated the use of accessibility in a way that it just should have so long ago. No one really took accessibility seriously, and it's kind of sad and we need to increase our engagement in all of those tools.


Ai-Media's Matthew Mello talks with Tim Siglin about the evolution of AI captioning in this exclusive interview from 流媒体 East 2023.
The gloves come off as ace remote producers Corey Behnke and Jef Kethley debate the best way to get multi-caller remote productions rolling--the power and flexibility of Sienna Unite, or the easy familiarity and it-just-works of Zoom? One thing undisputed: Remote production is here to stay.