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保罗Schmutzler tests the SmallHD Focus OLED Camera-Top Monitor on an intense two-week shoot comprising multiple locations indoors and outdoors.

这篇评测将着眼于SmallHD OLED焦点显示器. 这是5.SmallHD在NAB 2018上推出的5英寸屏幕. The biggest difference between this and previous models is the design of the hardware, 更重要的是它是OLED屏幕. OLED屏幕以其超深黑色和高对比度而闻名.

5分.5英寸屏幕,OLED Focus (下面的图1)是SmallHD最小的显示器之一, 它被设计用于非常紧凑的拍摄情况. 也许你用的是数码单反的跑枪套装,或者, 像我这样的, 你是在机动云台上拍摄吗, 比如MoVI Pro. I requested this unit from SmallHD specifically to use on a shoot that I was doing over the last two weeks, 我几乎只在MoVI Pro上使用显示器.

图1. 5.5英寸小高清OLED聚焦显示器

我把Focus安装在MoVI Pro的上环上(下面的图2),并且使用得很愉快. 这正是我拍摄所需要的.

图2. 焦点安装在MoVI Pro的顶环上


First, let’s have a look at the hardware, the design, and construction of the monitor. 你可以看到 图3(下面), 我用的是安装在这个摄像头上的假魔术臂上的监视器, 但如果你用的是数码单反相机, 它们包括非常漂亮的小倾斜安装如图1所示.

图3. Focus安装在Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro 4的魔臂上.6K

If you've got a cold shoe mount on the bottom that goes 正确的 on top of a DSLR, 很多摄像机都有这种功能, 倾斜安装螺丝固定在显示器的侧面, which allows you to easily just tilt it by hand without having to loosen anything. 我发现它放得很好. Whatever angle I set it at, it would stay there even when I'm moving the camera around. But it comes off and allows you to put the monitor on any camera with any setup that you would need.

如果您使用过一些smallhd, 更紧凑的显示器,像这个在过去, 你会非常熟悉它的一切, 尤其是软件. 如果你用过一个SmallHD显示器, 就软件而言,你几乎都用过了, 它们之间有一些小的变化.


这次也不例外. 它有多个屏幕,你可以设置不同的参数, whether you want one screen to have LUTs applied or focus assist or zebra or waveform monitors (下面的图4). 您可以为每个屏幕自定义设置所有这些.

图4. 使用福克斯上的波形监测器


I was a little concerned when I first pulled this Focus monitor out of the package, because of the fact that it's all screen on the front and has none of the bulky bezels we used to find on some of the older models.

They would usually protrude out the front so that I didn't have to worry so much if I were to drop it about smashing the screen like a phone, 因为它有一个小保险杠,所以即使它面朝下掉下来, the bumper would keep it from making contact with the surface that it fell onto. 这样可以防止损坏屏幕.

现在我确信SmallHD已经考虑到了这一点, 他们制造了一个坚固的监视器, 但这仍然是我的一个担忧. Until you actually drop it, you don't know whether it's going to be tough enough or not. 我没把它掉在手上.

三面,上面, 左, 底部, there are 1/4-20 female threaded mounts for mounting the Focus in any orientation you need.

通过菜单, 你也可以反转图像, 所以如果你需要把它倒过来装, 你可以这么做. 我可以用这只仿制的魔法手臂把它装上去, 所以我总是使用底部安装.

电源按钮(下面的图5)在一旁, and one of the nice things about the software on this monitor is that when it's not receiving a signal, 它会立即自动断电. You can power it off by holding the power button or you can simply turn your camera off or unplug the cable and it will power off itself to save battery. I didn't have to think about it when I was powering off my gear because I had to power off my MoVI, 我不得不关掉摄像机, but it was one less thing I had to worry about was wearing the battery out on this by accident.

图5. 福克斯的电源按钮

在显示器的右下角, 有三个端口很难找到,也很难识别. 但是在后面的面板上有一些凸起的字母 图6(下面). 一个断电了,给别的东西供电. The corner is HDMI, which is a micro HDMI connector, and then on the back bottom there's a USB port. 另一个角落有一个音频接口和一个全尺寸的SD卡插槽.

图6. Focus监视器背面有三个端口

SD卡插槽通常用于将lut加载到监视器本身, USB端口可能是用来更新固件的, SmallHD经常做什么. On the back center you have a power connection which uses Sony series batteries. You can also purchase an optional AC adapter which will plug into that slot and then go to a wall.

One of the challenges I had with this newer design of this monitor was finding where everything is. 它非常紧凑,设计非常优雅, 但这让我们很难找到某些东西. First of all, just finding the ports was difficult because the raised letters blend in with the back. 它们都是黑色的,在设计的其他部分几乎不引人注目.

Another challenge I had was, once I got the battery on, figuring out how to get it back off. 我终于在电池支架的最上面的角落找到了它, 你可以按下一个小按钮, 这就释放了电池.


这台显示器亮度为350尼特,属于中等亮度的显示器. 它不是很亮. 事实上, SmallHD公司有一系列的显示器,他们称之为“明亮”系列, which are meant for more demanding outdoor applications when you've got a lot of sun. I chose not to use this with a hood and I didn't have that shipped in the review kit. There was really only one situation when I was using this monitor where I found that it was lacking in b正确的ness and I had it cranked up to 100%. 早上9点左右,我在烟雾山脉的山顶上, 我们在漫射的阳光下拍摄. The sun was b正确的 but it was coming through clouds and fog, and it made for a very hazy situation. Again, I was shooting with it on top of the MoVI Pro, so it was 正确的 there in full sun (下面的图7).

图7. 在明亮的阳光下,开着没有遮光罩的福克斯拍摄

我没有给它戴上兜帽来遮挡任何光线. Putting a hood on it would kind of defeat the purpose of using it with a gimbal, because the beauty of the gimbal is being able to move the camera and the whole setup anywhere or with any orientation you need to--左, 正确的, 扭曲的, up, or down--and being able to do that without having to set up a crane or something like that. 所以我的问题是, 我把钻机举得很高, 看着显示器, and also looking at the b正确的 white clouds that were blasting the sun in my face, so it was a little bit challenging in that the monitor was up with the clouds 正确的 behind it with the sun coming through, 它有一个光滑的屏幕,可以反射一切. 这些因素加在一起使得在这种情况下使用它有点困难.

再一次,如果我给它加个兜帽,问题就解决了. So there was really only that one situation where I found that the monitor was a little bit lacking.

As a compact on-camera monitor with usability more reminiscent of a smartphone than a monitor, the ability to use and customize multiple displays with scopes and diagnostic features, 添加附近地区, 并以任何你想要的方式安装到单反笼子上, smallhd502是独一无二的.