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Review: Canon XF205 Professional Camcorder

佳能XF205专业摄像机在几个方面与去年推出的广受好评的XA25消费机型相似, but adds welcome features such as individual rings for iris, 变焦, and focus; 2 additional channels of internal microphone recording; 1080/30P HD-SDI output in the XF205, 和更多的. 因此,强烈推荐XF205作为适合网络广播工作流程的摄像机.

佳能XF200和XF205在NAB 2014上宣布,是2013年NAB上宣布的产销佳能XA20和XA25摄像机的更大专业版本,并在贸易新闻界赢得了多个奖项和众多赞誉. XA20给我留下了深刻的印象,我买了一台,写了一些关于它的文章,并在各种流媒体和 流媒体 Producer articles.

在NAB 2014, when Canon introduced the XF200 and XF205, 我有幸与佳能的查克·韦斯特福尔(Chuck Westfall)聊了聊新相机的主要特点:

XA20/25和XF200/205共享了许多组件和功能,所以我已经知道,在进行这次评测时,我将认为它表现强劲. 图像质量非常好,当你需要从会议室后面拍摄演讲者时,长变焦镜头会派上用场. Having had the opportunity to review the XF205, in this article I will compare and contrast the XA20/25 and XF200/205.


与大传感器摄像机相比,1/3”传感器级摄像机的技术和功能已经相当成熟. As a camcorder class matures, 专业用户越来越多地关注改进,而较少关注缺乏可预测结果的以消费者为中心的功能. 我将主要关注在我自己的工作流程中对我最重要的功能,跳过一些我可能认为很酷但说实话永远不会使用的功能.

Before I delve deep into the manual and a camera’s menu system, I like to hand hold a camera to test its ergonomics. 便携式摄像机最大的优势在于它的外形,它们被设计成平衡且易于手持. As a Sony FS100 and FS700 owner, 我知道拥有相机的痛苦,如果没有支架和外部监控系统就不能手持. This is largely the reason that I bought an XA20. 侧面LCD放置和XA20/25的整体重量轻,使其易于操作三脚架, although some might find it is too light.

The XF200/205 weighs about 6lbs fully equipped and the XA20/25, just over 2lbs. 更重要的是, the XF200/205 has a hand grip that can be rotated 120 degrees, 我很欣赏这一点,因为它使我能够将握把定位到符合人体工程学的中性和更有力的手腕位置,而不是大多数握把所需要的典型手腕外展(拇指吸吮动作)位置.

一个符合人体工程学的中性姿势可以让你在更长时间内保持击球的稳定性,因为你将肌肉负担转移到更大更强壮的肌肉上,而较小的肌肉在很长一段时间内不会收缩. 当您将20倍镜头与摄像机配对时,稳定的身体位置是一个重要的开始,但您需要的不仅仅是符合人体工程学的握把和中性的手腕位置,以获得稳定的手持拍摄.

Dual Stabilization

过去,专业摄像机最大的区别在于它们有三个传感器. Light from the lens would first pass through a color-separation prism, which would split the signal into the primary colors of red, 蓝色的, 和绿色. Each of the three sensors would be tasked with handling only one color value. This resulted in better color reproduction than consumer single-sensor solutions. 三个传感器的使用与CCD技术和最近的CMOS技术相结合.

The exception in use was DLSRs and large-sensor video cameras, 但现在佳能将他们的单传感器彩色技术引入摄像机,这降低了成本, 大小, 重量, 并且允许使用额外形式的图像稳定,当使用三个传感器是不可能的.

I mentioned earlier that the XF200 and 205, like the XA20 and 25, are 1/3”-class camcorders. Their sensor is actually a slightly larger 1/2.84 " CMOS传感器, 但额外的尺寸和分辨率用于提供传感器的无损稳定, in addition to more traditional optical lens stabilization. 在数码防抖系统中,相机将图像略微放大以增加防抖效果. This method is effective, but there is a resolution loss as the image is not oversampled to begin with.

佳能XA20/25和XF200/205传感器稳定开始与传感器,有效是2136x1362,当此图像缩放,然后裁剪, the final resolution is a pixel-to-pixel 1920x1080. I normally would not recommend trying to film at 20x 变焦 handheld, 但它的双重稳定性非常好,以至于我在游轮上成功地跟踪了飞行的飞机和游泳的海豚.

佳能XF205与索尼NX5U竞争,佳能XF200与NX3竞争,它们的建议零售价相似, 分别, 在4美元里,000元及3元,500范围.

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