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为了捕捉“记住丝带:纪念世界艾滋病日”," Moritz employed four cameras, 它被送入ATEM迷你极限ISO现场制作切换器,用于多摄像机切换和ISO录制. 他还使用了三个Blackmagic Video Assist 7”12G hdr进行监控和记录.

Playbill’s “Remember the Ribbon: A Tribute to World AIDS Day活动于11月21日在纽约索尼大厅举行,以庆祝和纪念那些受艾滋病毒和艾滋病影响的人. 该活动以故事和歌曲为特色,并由几位百老汇名人出场, including In the Heights and Hamilton star Javier Muñoz, Tony Award winners Lena Hall and Judith Light, virtual appearances from Billy Porter, and many more. Originally scheduled as an in-person event, 制作变成了一场混合的减少容量的音乐会,并在12月1日至12月3日在Playbill上播放了现场录音.com and its YouTube channel.

Michael J. Moritz, Jr., principal at Moritz Worldwide, Inc.他被请来担任该活动的直播制作总监. An Emmy and Tony Award winner and Grammy Nominee, 莫里茨参与了许多广受好评的百老汇作品,包括 Beautiful: The Carole King Musical, Big Fish, A Night with Janis Joplin, and more.

“我是一名唱片和广播制作人,最近开始制作许多虚拟活动,” said Moritz. “We do quite a bit of on-location, 面向戏剧的电视和直播节目,并在过去与Playbill合作过. We were honored to be a part of this very special event.”

From the Broadway Stage to the Streams

为了捕捉“记住丝带:纪念世界艾滋病日”,” Moritz employed four cameras, 它被送入ATEM迷你极限ISO现场制作切换器,用于多摄像机切换和ISO录制. 他还使用了三个Blackmagic Video Assist 7”12G hdr进行监控和记录.

With eight HDMI inputs, ATEM Mini Extreme ISO很容易适应4台摄像机的多摄像机切换,如果需要进一步编辑事件,Moritz和他的团队可以捕获高分辨率的ISO记录. 莫里茨流到一个内容交付网络(CDN)的冗余,并记录了三个视频辅助7”12G hdr在ProRes, which was later used for the and YouTube streams.

“我计划在达芬奇决断工作室做一些即时编辑, but as it turned out, we didn’t need to do anything. 多亏了我们手头的设备,这么大型的活动才顺利进行,真是太好了,” noted Moritz. “ATEM Mini Extreme ISO的可移植性和可扩展性是我们的一大优势. It’s a perfect tool for the right size event. It was neat that we could live switch an event in a 1,200-seat room without having to bring tons of gear. 能够进来并在一张小桌子上自动设置我们需要的所有东西真是太棒了.”

广播质量的音频制作对于两个半小时的活动至关重要, 而莫里茨则依赖于ATEM Mini Extreme ISO内置的Fairlight音频混音器. “音频选项卡意味着我不需要带一块单独的板子来观看关卡, using a compressor, adding a limiter, or blending in audience mics. 在不使用单独的硬件的情况下完成所有这些工作的能力是令人惊讶的. 我做过这样的工作,我们将麦克风插入摄像机,然后将摄像机音频与电路板馈送混合在一起, so you get audience mic’ing. You have everything converging right over HDMI, which you can then mix on that page and send right back out. That’s the added benefit,” Moritz said.

在音频方面,莫里茨还在他的Video Assist 7“12G hdr上利用了XLR输入. “我有能力捕捉来自我的现场录音机的音频, or I can just plug directly into the Video Assist's XLR inputs, for example if we need to do a quick-and-dirty boom mic situation,” said Moritz. “It’s kind of like a little Swiss Army knife when we’re on jobs. We always just bring the Video Assist 7” 12G HDRs. We don’t know where they’ll end up, but they’re used a lot.”

Moritz noted how with the Video Assist 7” 12G HDR, 他在做高调活动时总能得到干净的供稿和未压缩的记录. “它还允许我使用它作为我正在工作的客户的回放监视器, like a quick, in-the-field review tool,” he added. “We also preview LUTs on it immediately. 我们可以拍摄和曝光的LUT,我们开始,然后分级后的事实.”

The Ultimate Blackmagic Design Ecosystem

On many of Moritz’s productions, he relies on additional Blackmagic Design gear, including URSA Broadcast cameras, ATEM Streaming Bridge converters, Web Presenter HD streaming solution, and numerous converters. With streaming essential to today’s productions and events, 莫里茨为自己配备了支持完成工作所需的任何工作流程的产品.

Moritz concluded, “As we continue to get involved with more virtual productions, in addition to the many in-person events we work on, 我相信质量将永远是一流的感谢我们所依赖的黑魔法设计齿轮.”

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