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云计算vs. On-Prem流媒体制作

Should all streaming production operations be shifting to the cloud to take advantage of the scalability, 灵活性, 以及云流工作流的经济效益? 或者说on-prem仍然有它的时间和位置吗? Telestream的理查德·安第斯报道, 安永的Waseem Ahmad报道, and IntelliVid研究's Steve Vonder Haar debate the pros and cons of cloud vs. 这段视频来自流媒体连接2023.

Should all streaming production operations be shifting to the cloud to take advantage of the scalability, 灵活性, 以及云流工作流的经济效益? 或者说on-prem仍然有它的时间和位置吗? Steve Vonder Haar, Intelligent Video高级分析师 & 企业, IntelliVid研究, discusses these questions with Richard Andes, Director of Customer Success, Telestream, and Waseem Ahmad, Associate Director, Global Lead 流媒体 Services, EY,在这个剪辑中 流媒体连接2023.

Vonder Haar问Andes, “作为这些解决方案的供应商, 无论是在本地还是在云中, 在向云迁移方面,你看到了什么? 很多人都有固定的做事方式吗? 让人们接受云计算很难吗?”

安第斯山脉说 that using the cloud for a wide range of applications that would otherwise be very difficult to do at scale using traditional infrastructure is now essential. “可扩展性因素非常吸引人, especially as there is a need and a desire to market more sort of secondary streams,他说. “所以,额外的法庭在 温布尔登网球公开赛比如赛车赛事的车载摄像头等等. If you wanted to build all this out of traditional infrastructure and more of a physical service sitting there constantly for all your little streams, 不值得花这么多钱. You cannot create that kind of user experience for the consumer at a reasonable cost. 云允许你在需要的时候打开这些额外的频道.”

就客户对使用云的任何犹豫而言, 安第斯山脉说, “我甚至不会称之为抵抗. The places where it's not as effective mostly come down to things with really quick turnarounds, 其中大部分都与需要在现场完成的本地生产有关. Direct linear records need to happen because you can play them out with a couple-minute delay rather than doing a file process…I think those are the parts where, 从生产角度来看, 我们仍然看到很多传统的工作流要好得多. But once that content has been produced and you're ready to build those additional channels and get the content out there, and you need to scale it up so that you have multiple endpoints across the world, 根据需求(旋转)小的子流, 这就是云为消费者提供更多服务的地方.”

Vonder Haar asks Ahmad to give a “front row” experience of using cloud workflows. “你会回到内部部署式的解决方案吗? 我想你现在几乎不知道还有什么别的办法了……”

Ahmad says that they have developed a type of hybrid workflow solution to enhance 灵活性 depending on the client's needs. “We're actually looking at creating on-prem solutions in key offices only because we want to look at marrying the convenience factor for the talent,他说. “我们的用例非常不同,我们必须有速度. 理查德刚刚提到的是能够引发事件, 不管出于什么原因, 在几分钟内, 我们之所以能做到这一点,是因为我们采用了云工作流程. If you try to do that in an on-premise situation…you run into all these challenges, 甚至裁员,以确保人才准备好了,你就可以走了. Talent might be situated in a location where it's much more convenient for them to be on-site and we're passing signal and content over the cloud and marrying that together.”

He notes that the sheet size of EY is a major factor in how his team handles production workflows. “我们有多个地点,”他说. “We got to plug together over the cloud and pull in SRT and leverage things like NDI to make these productions happen. There's a lot of ‘mario网te action’ taking place behind the scenes…it's much more cost-effective to do this on the cloud. I think the magic really is understanding your use case and then piecing that together to make it effective and work for you as an organization.”

完整的会议 来自流媒体连接2023年11月. 我们将于2024年5月20日至22日亲自回来参加纽约流媒体大会. 更多细节请点击这里.

广播行业已经认识到云技术的好处, 包括其适应性和多功能性. 云技术促进了远程生产和简化工作流程. 然而, this shift may come with an adjustment period and a myriad of other challenges, 哪些广播公司今天仍在克服.
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