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J街现场直播, Part 2: Framing Tips for Conference Shooters and Webcasters

1月时 passes on several key tips on framing panels and applying the rule of thirds (and when to break it) gleaned from his recent gig webcasting the national J Street conference on Israeli-Palestinian relations.

This is the second segment in a multipart series on webcasting a conference. 我在 第一段, though I've produced numerous live events and multiple webcasts, 我完全是自学的, 我的大部分工作都是独自完成的. Recently, after being hired by Brendon Winters of Event Technology Partners to help stream JStreet.组织全国代表大会, I got the chance to work with two of his more experienced associates-accomplished shooter Manrico Zottig, and webcasting expert Bern Rexer-and learned a ton from both. In this segment I'll detail what I learned by watching Manrico shoot the sessions we worked on together.


图1(下面) shows the panel that Zottig was in charge of shooting, and I was in charge of streaming. It's a typical panel: a podium on the left where each speaker gave introductory thoughts, 还有一张讨论的桌子. What struck me when I was watching the production was how precisely Zottig framed his shots, never cutting off critical edges and minimizing problem areas in the scene.

图1. 会议的基本安排

例如, 右边有一根金属杆伸出来, and the drape doesn't extend to the right as far you'd like. As you'll see, Zottig adjusted his framing to minimize this and other problems.


图2(下面) shows the shot of the speaker at the podium (from a different session) with rule-of-third guides. 剽窃维基百科, the rule of thirds "proposes that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally-spaced horizontal lines and two equally-spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections." The intersections of the lines in the tic-tac-toe-like board are called "saddle points."

图2. Classic rule of thirds positioning for a speaker facing the camera. 嗯,可能有点高.

Typically, when shooting people, the eyes are the most important compositional elements. 当这个人面对镜头时, 就像所有照片中的人物一样, you place the subject in the middle of the camera with eye level at the top or bottom third. 这是经典的主持人式视频. 如果那个人正对着你的左边, you'd place their eyes on one of the right saddle points, leaving "look room" or "negative space" on the left. If facing your right, you'd place their eyes on one of the left saddle points.

In this final segment of this series on the JStreet Making History convention webcast, we'll examine one aspect of webcast production that too often gets ignored: monitoring and controlling audio volume, 随着说话人的改变,这变成了一个复杂的问题, 音频技师和射击师会调整自己的水平, and the webcaster is left to make sure the signal sent over the web remains audible and consistent.
HP's Z1 is the first all-in-one computer with workstation components and field serviceability. 在这里, encoding expert 1月时 takes a look at how this workstation-class portable PC fared in a live production and webcast environment, 测试重点在3个方面:渲染, 流媒体编码, 实时编码.
During a 3-day gig as webcaster for J Street's Making History conference on Israeli-Palestinian relations, 1月时 learned a lot about the challenges of streaming events where you don't control critical factors like the set background and lighting. In part 1 of 3 on this project, Jan details the planning process and streaming setup.