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Deloitte's Melissa Dale and NewTek's Chris Burgos discussed how the pivot to remote turned home offices to enterprise streaming video production studios and the longterm impact of that change in this clip from 流媒体 West 2022.

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安迪·霍华德: Melissa, I know that at Deloitte, at one point, everybody went remote. How did you guys pivot very quickly to be able to enable that for you and keep communications--which you obviously needed--going at Deloitte?

梅丽莎·戴尔: 这是一个很好的问题. So we basically flipped the firm to fully remote--both US and globally--in 48 hours. And during a time when information was spread all over the place, 网上到处都是, 公司需要一个非常可靠的, 以一种安全的方式向广大受众传递信息. But a bigger piece of that was how we were going to get our responses back from people that were watching while some of these messages needed to be one-to-many. We needed to a way of downsizing that into bite-sized collaborative conversations. So, 我们使用了很多现成的平台, 我们加入了其中的一些行列,说, “好吧, 让我们在全公司推广这项技术, 让我们把这些信息发出去.“利用Zoom和Teams等工具, taking webcams essentially and turning them into our video intake and pushing those through our larger platforms, 很多人都是这么做的.

But something that we would've frowned upon six months before that--"My God using your webcam, 我们不能那样做.“但是确实有。, 没有别的选择, and we essentially turned CEOs all over the US and all over the world, we turned their home offices into small production studios and used that as our method to get the messages out as quickly as possible. 它是颠簸的. 我们在电话会议前讨论了必须告诉首席执行官的问题, "I need your kid to stop streaming right now because I need every ounce of bandwidth." You have ISPs all over the country who were needing to figure this out as well. And what we learned is that we had to release a lot of control. 我们都知道在这个行业, we want to control every single possible variable we can--light, 声音, 任何形式的互动. 我们不得不失去这一切, yet be held to the same standards that we had previously of rock-solid, Rockstar产品价值. 所以这是艰难的几个月, but my team did an incredible job of learning from each of those hiccups and leveraging our partners, 我们与纽泰克等供应商的合作伙伴关系, what we needed to make this experience as consistent as possible. 希望这回答了你的问题.

安迪·霍华德: 不,那很好. And sometimes you have dogs going crazy in the background too, so you have to deal with that.

克里斯•布尔戈斯: 安迪,你说得对. I think one of the things that we kind of took away on all of our respective positions is the environment also humanized a lot of this stuff. 在生产环境中, we aim for this sort of ultra-high standard of near-perfection and precision timing and clocking all this stuff. 但这是人类的努力. There are people at home, they have kids, they have parents, they're taking care of stuff. 我们有宠物. 我在公寓里. Sometimes, my neighbor's having a bad day and I gotta give a demo still. 但是我认为, 如果有什么区别的话, this has humanized a lot of these productions in a way that maybe we were afraid to do for a while--"We have to be video professionals, 这就是传递机制, 一切都必须以超高的广播分数为目标。”

所有的点都还在, but the truth is we now have that real democratized video in this way that we never thought would happen because it's just the environment, 就像梅丽莎说的. 它试图告诉某人, “嘿, 如果可能的话, 你的孩子能不能停止在Twitch上直播一小时?“这是一个真正的人类问题. That is something that we didn't consider before, because it wasn't as a necessity. 现在我们到了这里. I actually like that because--maybe this is a little high-minded--but the beauty in all this is that, “嘿, 每个人都在家里努力让这件事发生. 它是一个和你一样的人." I think the video broadcast industry often had that high professional watermark. 现在你可以说,“嗯,我目睹了这件事的发生. 我看到我的老板在打电话. 我也可以去接那样的电话. 这些担忧大大降低了, 因为它刚刚打开了摄像头, and the professionals and the vaccines will do the rest of the heavy lifting.


Telestream's Scott Murray discusses how the Sherpa live event production technology Telestream acquired in 2021 has transformed its approach to internal meetings and corporate events and enabled new hybrid and virtual event production models for their clients as well in this talk from 流媒体 West 2022.