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几年前,我写了一篇名为《百家乐app下载》的文章. 我在本文中分享的技巧建立在这些信息的基础上,同时涵盖了反映TSA的新项目, 安全法规, 创造顺畅的旅行体验, and saving potentially thousands of dollars in budget.

“The journey is my home,” said the well-known American poet Muriel Rukeyser. 我之所以选择这句话作为文章的开头,是因为在我为一个视频项目旅行的时候,它击中了我的要害. 虽然这是许多摄像师工作的一部分,但旅行可能是一种祝福,也可能是一种诅咒. There are a lot of steps involved in getting from your home, 办公室, or studio to your final shoot destination.

The journey is frequently the most challenging part of these projects. 一个有经验的摄像师或电影制作人会知道他们在片场该怎么做. but traveling with your gear is a whole different ballgame.

澄清, 当我说旅行时, I am referring to getting video gear on a plane, 完好无损地到达你的拍摄地点, 精神上和身体上. 当你的设备坏了,机组人员又累了,这可不是什么愉快的经历.

Several years ago, I wrote an article for 流媒体 Producer and 《百家乐app下载》 被称为 How to Pack and Prepare for International Video Shoots. 这篇文章中的信息来自我前几年在亚洲各地拍摄视频的经历, 欧洲, 和美国. Most of it remains relevant today, and I encourage you to check it out.

我在本文中分享的技巧建立在这些信息的基础上,同时涵盖了反映TSA的新项目, 安全法规, 创造顺畅的旅行体验, and saving potentially thousands of dollars in budget.

Tip #1: Bring Only the Essential Gear (Lights, Camera, Audio)

Ask anyone who travels for a living about life on the road, and they will tell you the benefits of traveling light. 不幸的是, 对于视频专业人士来说,轻装旅行的定义比其他类型的旅行要复杂一些. We operate in an industry that is full of just-in-case items. 幸运的是, 专业装备变得越来越小, 更轻的, 更模块化, while still having the quality we desire.

然而,我们必须有策略地考虑我们的体重和出行方式. 在Clear在线视频, we usually travel with a crew of three: two videographers, 还有一个音频技师. 我们总能符合美国的标准.S. domestic airlines’ luggage rules, including checked-in bags under 50 lbs. 每位乘客有两个随身行李. 然而,有时一个项目需要更多的装备或物品,不能在你的目的地租用. 我在下面分享一个建议,帮助你节省多余行李或超重行李的费用.

我曾以单人乐队的方式旅行过,这些技巧也适用于单人射击游戏. 我强烈建议尽早为一个可以随行的助手或技术助理做预算. Remind the client that people can get sick, 延迟, or experience other problems beyond their control. A second crew member can help with getting around, 检查更多的行李/装备, and filling in on camera if they have the skill set. 至少,你可以研究一下在你的拍摄目的地雇佣当地人的帮助. 像Team People (www.teampeople.tv) can help you find local film and video professionals for hire.

Starting with the camera, I would suggest choosing a modular camera system. 佳能, 索尼, and Blackmagic Design all have versions of modular camera models, not to mention a whole range of DSLR cameras available on the market (下面的图1).

图1. 佳能C200模块化相机系统

My rule has always been to carry the camera on the plane. 鹈鹕 has several versions of carry-on approved cases for cameras. 就我个人而言,我用同一个随身鹈鹕皮箱已经有十多年了. 他们的箱子是谨慎的,高质量的,防水的,他们也有轮子.

除了一个模块化的摄像系统, 我已经能够添加一个镜头, 数码单反相机的身体, 电池, and chargers to a case like the 鹈鹕 1510. 我建议购买一款采摘泡沫版,它可以让你设计一个适合你确切需求的盒子布局(下面的图2).

图2. A 鹈鹕 pick-and-pluck foam carry-on case

随身携带的设置为我提供了一个舒适的知道,我将有一个功能齐全的相机设置在到达拍摄, 即使托运的行李丢了.

除了 to the stowed carry-on luggage, 大多数航空公司允许乘客在座位下面放一个小一点的袋子. I highly encourage packing this extra bag. While the 鹈鹕 carry-ons are industry favorites, the smaller regional jets do not always allow larger carry-ons to be stowed. Therefore, passengers are required to gate-check these larger carry-ons.

Rather than taking a chance and gate-checking the camera, 我把相机的主要部件拆了下来,放进了一个小袋子里,可以放在头顶的行李箱里,也可以放在我前面的座位下面. 一个简单的书包就可以了. Many videographers already pack a laptop, so leave a little room in case your 鹈鹕 case has to be gate-checked.

另一个建议是打包一个小的可折叠包,你可以把它放在较小的随身行李里. 很快,你可以把任何易碎的东西从鹈鹕上拿出来放进这个袋子里. 它可能不能提供鹈鹕案那样的保护,但你可以随身携带相机.

照明 has come a long way in the past few years. Like cameras, lighting has become smaller and more robust. I prefer to travel with a basic 3-to-4-piece light kit. This setup provides plenty of light for a formal interview. If I need anything beyond that, I try to rent it locally.

Westcott makes a beautiful foldable light kit with their Flex Cine system. 这些灯输出功率大,重量轻,而且能很好地移动. 然而, 我使用这些灯的缺点是它们的电源有时又重又笨重. My efforts to address this concern led me to the Genaray斯派克 Baton Stick Light System (下面的图3). 这些灯杆足够细,可以装在托运行李中,并且可以堆叠在一起以产生更大的光源.

图3. 将军斯派克警棍灯

I like to use a large reflector as part of my light kit. 反射器有两个用途:一, it can add or subtract light on set; two, it provides extra cushioning for the checked luggage. I carry the Westcott 5-in-1 50" reflector during all travel (下面的图4).

图4. 韦斯科特5合1反光器

Regardless of what lighting gear you choose, I highly encourage choosing a light that can run via battery power. 除了, 考虑选择一种可以与显示器等其他设备共用电池的灯, 额外的灯光, 等. 拥有一个通用的电池家族允许更快的设置和更适应性的工具包. 电池也可以避免运行电缆,定位电源,通常提供一个更清洁的设置.

关于电池的一个重要提示:美国联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)要求,所有锂离子电池只能放在随身行李中. When a carry-on bag is checked at the gate or planeside, 备用锂电池和充电宝必须从行李中取出,并与乘客一起放在机舱内. The battery terminals must be protected from short circuit. 必须跟上 美国联邦航空局规章制度 在带着视频设备飞行之前.

对于运输音频设备,我建议使用前面描述的鹈鹕箱. This case can fit several lavaliere and shotgun microphones, as well as headphones and various audio adapters we use in our setup. Audio equipment is small but fragile, so I encourage carrying on what you can.

最后, 我将推荐一些我在航空公司值机柜台或运输安全管理局(TSA)的托运行李中可以轻松打包的物品.

I have used the HPRC Wheeled Hard Case (下面的图5)已经有十多年了. 我可以轻松地装一个大三脚架, 光站, 老人带, 两根延长线, 移动化妆包, 里面还有其他杂项.

图5. HPRC轮式硬壳

我更喜欢在第二个托运包上使用像iM2950这样的盒式鹈鹕箱. By choosing the foam option, you can add or remove layers as needed. I pack lights, a reflector, 老人带, additional gear, and personal items. I use cube organizers to separate personal items from video gear.

飞机上最具挑战性的物品之一是用来固定三脚架和灯架的沙袋. They are heavy and can make a mess if they break. 一个解决方案,我发现有用的是使用卡宾枪套件与尼龙跑步. 这些套件可以附在背包或其他较重的装备上,以帮助固定支架. It is not the prettiest way to weigh down a stand, but it is effective.

一位在多个大洲制作视频项目的资深制作人为想要预订国际工作的摄像师提供了从硬壳设备箱到旅行限制、国际电力问题、签证到通行证等各种建议, 充分利用它们, and escape the pitfalls that come with being un- or under-prepared.