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Hulu Introduces Binge Ads for High-Volume Viewers: NewFronts '19


在1月份推出暂停广告近日,Hulu带着一种新的流媒体广告创新回归:狂欢广告. Hulu的用户喜欢刷屏, 该公司今天在其2019年的新前线表示, and binge ads can recognize when a show is being binged and provide a tailored ad experience. For example, viewers might get to watch the next show ad-free or receive a personalized offer. This ad format will debut in beta in Q4, then expand to all advertisers sometime in 2020.

新闻1近50%的广告时长都是被刷屏的, Hulu说, and 40% of its subscribers binge more than one series in a month.

Hulu will also introduce a promotional program called Friends With Benefits, where browsers will see fake shows hidden among program listings. If they click on one, it will reveal a special offer for a product or service. 在下面的示例中, clicking on a show about flowers revealed an offer for a free bouquet from a floral delivery service.

确保Hulu的观众对广告有积极的体验, the company announced it's capping all ad breaks to 90 seconds, and ensuring no ad is viewed by one subscriber more than twice an hour or four times a day.

Hulu也宣布暂停广告, 目前正在与一组选定的广告商进行测试, 将于8月开始向所有人开放.

Hulu is known for having one of the more challenging user interfaces, 它通过宣布即将到来的变化来承认这一点. This summer, subscribers will see more titles on the screen when browsing. The company says it only has 60 seconds to help people make a choice and wants to help them find something before they look elsewhere.

订阅rs will soon have the option to subscribe to Disney+ and ESPN+ as add-ons. 这并不奇怪,因为迪士尼是Hulu的大股东.

Hulu announced it now has 28 million total customers and 58 million ad-supported viewers. Their median age is 31, and 21 million viewers are cord-cutters or cord-nevers.



从7月1日开始, Vudu will offer campaign targeting using first-person data from parent company Walmart. Called the Audience Extension Network, it can reach over 50% of U.S. Vudu在其新网站上表示,这些家庭将拥有可寻址广告. 该平台的覆盖范围将超越Vudu, running across a network of OTT and CTV platforms (Vudu will reveal exactly which platforms in the coming months). It will support direct and programmatic sales, as well as frequency capping. It will also also provide post-campaign sales performance data to verify effectiveness.

While most publishers presenting during NewFront Week tout their brand safety, 罪恶正在谴责它. Overly-strict brand safety concerns have a censoring effect and are bad for diversity, 该公司表示. It will no longer allow advertisers to blacklist the following 25 words and phrases in the name of brand safety: bisexual, 同性恋, 同性恋群体, 变性人, 艾滋病毒, 女同性恋, 性别, 酷儿, 女权主义, 怀孕了, 跨种族, 中东, 阿拉伯, 亚洲, 拉丁/ o, 犹太人, 穆斯林, 伊斯兰教, 基督教, 头巾, 全球变暖, 气候变化, 难民, 移民, 超重/肥胖.

"Bias should not be the collateral damage of our much-needed brand safety efforts,卡维尔·汗说, 负责客户合作的高级副总裁, 在副 NewFront工作. "We invite you to join us in correcting our industry's brand safety system."

Photo: Christopher Abbott, Kyle Chandler, and George Clooney promote 第二十二条军规 在Hulu NewFront.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


For something that doesn't exist—and probably never will—the idea of an ad-supported Netflix tier gets a lot of attention.


The rise in connected TV ad views continues: CTV made up 44% of all streaming ad views in Q4 2018. 三个月后,这一数字增长到了49%.


Many pay TV customers don't believe they can get all the live sports they're used to from an OTT service. Hulu与顶级体育人才合作,将其信息传播出去.


目的是简化视频广告购买过程, Mediaocean和SpotX今天宣布建立合作关系.


LiveRamp announced it will acquire Data Plus Math in a deal worth $150 million, 预付1亿2千万现金, 之后还会有3000万美元的股票.

Comcast Advertising Creates Initiative for Addressable TV Ads

Addressable advertising will be coming to pay TV services in a big way, 而康卡斯特广告公司(Comcast Advertising)在这方面处于领先地位.

Tru Optik Launches Ad-Targeting Product for Political Advertisers

总统选举已经开始, audience intelligence company Tru Optik launched Political Data Cloud, 让政治广告商接触到目标受众.

MadHive and Inscape Partner to Blend OTT and Linear TV Ad Buys

Advertisers can run cross-platform media campaigns that serve linear and streaming viewers, benefiting from real-time analytics that let them optimize their placements.

Facebook Adds Templates, Fonts, Stickers to Video Creation Kit

小型企业, 现在制作在线视频广告更容易了, thanks to improvements Facebook announced to its Video Creation Kit.


And then there was one: Comcast will sell its stake in Hulu to Disney within five years, 但鼠标会立即获得全部控制权.

Hulu Highlights Focus Areas for the Coming Year: 流媒体 East 2019

Hulu宣称,电视的未来就在这里. To help it scale up from 28 million subscribers today to 60 million in the future, 该公司专注于三个关键领域.

YouTube Won the 2019 NewFronts Because of What it Didn't Say

品牌安全? 视频中的掠夺性评论? YouTube正专注于解决这个问题. 现在,回到星光熠熠,音乐纷至沓来的派对.

Mood Matters When it Comes to Video Ad Performance: NewFronts '19

A study from the IAB shows that why people stream videos varies during the day, and the mood viewers are in impacts how receptive they are to ads.

YouTube Increases its Premium Video Ad Inventory: NewFronts '19

也, 梅雷迪思为IGTV的垂直视频下了大赌注, 目标媒体网络有了一个新名字, 和Digitas庆祝登月.

Verizon媒体 Brings NFL Streaming to Fantasy App: NewFronts '19

在其他新前沿的亮点, condonnast扩大了其顶级付费视频服务, while Studio 71 partners with AWS on predictive technology for influencer marketing.

推特 Leads With Live Sports, 新闻 Partnerships: NewFronts '19

强调内容和联系, 推特宣布与NFL达成协议, 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》, Time, Univision, 居住的国家, 和更多的. 也, updates from the Viacom, BBC 新闻, and New York Times NewFronts.

NewFront Week 2019 Starts Monday; Here's What We Want to Know

包括Hulu在内的最大的在线视频出版商, 推特, Verizon媒体, 和youtube将在下周举行他们的新前沿演讲. 以下是我们想要答案的问题.