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在最近的月度网络直播中 SMAdvancedForum,霜 & Sullivan principal analyst (and former 流媒体 VP) Dan Rayburn deftly addressed the elephant in the room when it comes to media-centric online video platforms: “You can’t just add a few features and repackage it and call it enterprise or education.”

雷伯恩指的是我们非常强调的一点 去年的 流媒体行业资料手册: Enterprise video platforms (EVPs) aren’t just “lite” versions of a media and entertainment video platform. Let’s delve a bit deeper into the historic learning curve that’s brought us to the point of having OVPs focused on particular verticals.

“供应商很快就学会了, 因为在过去的10年里,他们中的很多人都犯了这个错误, 他们认为他们可以从一个垂直方向过渡到另一个吗,雷伯恩说, noting that OVP vendors often think that they can leverage a broadcast solution into an enterprise solution. They’ll often say, ‘We have a service, a product, a platform to sell to broadcast. 现在我们(打算)把产品卖给企业或教育机构。.

别着急, 说Rayburn, 以及EVP解决方案的经验, 我同意有一些关键的挑战需要面对, not the least of which is the question of unneeded features that often come as part of a media video platform.

“The moment you go into enterprise,” Rayburn posited, “what do you have to do? 首先,你不能插入广告. 这是件大事. 你不是在通过视频赚钱. You have to tie into SharePoint and all these custom management systems and internet portals. 这是完全不同的事情.”



SharePoint依赖于另一款微软产品, Silverlight, 直到2013年版本的SharePoint服务器. 随着Silverlight的弃用, there’s no real fallback position for enterprise solutions that want to use streaming video in various formats. Support for Silverlight in Chrome on all other operating systems was disabled by default in April 2015 and was removed completely in September 2015; support for the newest version—Silverlight 5—will end in October 2021.

So that’s one key area where an EVP can add value: integration into SharePoint as the video “extension” of the overall SharePoint document-sharing ecosystem.

With the advent of SharePoint Server 2016, though, Microsoft is fully committed to HTML5 players. 这很好, 因为HTML5现在是Chrome浏览器播放视频的默认方式, and users must indicate their desire to use plug in players like the Adobe Flash Player or Silverlight on a site-by-site basis.

Microsoft’s commitment to SharePoint integration also extends to the use of hybrid solutions, leveraging the Microsoft Azure cloud platform alongside a SharePoint Server instance—either on-prem or in a separate cloud instance—to offer a total video playback and collaboration solution for enterprise. If, of course, you’re fully committed to the whole enterprise being a Microsoft shop.

维奥蕾尔:我有一个 优秀的教程 有关如何使用SharePoint服务器解决Azure媒体服务(AMS)的问题, 包括SharePoint Server 2016. 在Azure媒体服务和SharePoint 2010/2013/2016配置中,伊夫托德写道, 主要的两个优点是:强大的播放体验和简单.”

The main downside of this type of integration, as Iftode notes, is security. 简而言之,您将使用SharePoint作为媒体内容的接口, 但是流媒体不会被托管在本地,伊夫托德写道, “and the mechanisms to restrict the access to the published media content are rudimentary (the identity management is missing, but there are different combinations who can tick couple of security requirements).”


“You have all the security requirements that are unique inside a Fortune 500 enterprise closed network,雷伯恩说.

One workaround that Iftode recommends is to host everything on an on-prem SharePoint server—documents, 视频, 甚至聊天.

“[H]ost everything (media files + HTML5 player) in SharePoint—basically not having any dependency hosted on internet,伊夫托德写道. “The main advantage is the security, [but] the main disadvantage is the playback experience ...”

One of the major issues Iftode points out is the fact that users are likely to “encounter playback interruptions due to the network bandwidth limitations” since the SharePoint video serving solution doesn’t provide adaptive bitrate (ABR) streaming.


这是EVP的一个关键优势:它与媒体格式保持同步, 包括多种ABR格式, in a way that a collaboration and document server like SharePoint seldom can touch, 特别是对于本地版本.


“当你进入企业时, 它正在变成一场软件销售,雷伯恩说, 他们通常喜欢购买基于座位许可的软件. 这与广播截然相反. 从更新的角度来看,你也有这个问题, 你在用这个软件做什么,雷伯恩说, pointing out that many solutions that sit inside a firewall aren’t as easily upgraded when it comes to on-prem solutions.

That leads to another continuing advancement in the EVP space: hybrid cloud/on-prem solutions.

在最后 原始资料, we looked at the emergence of cloud-based solutions but noted the need to consider hybrid alternatives. 今年, hybrid solutions are continuing to make significant progress in certain EVP use cases that prioritize security over accessibility.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Analytics, scale, quality, and artificial intelligence are top trends in enterprise video. 直播在许多新领域都很流行.


IT departments aren't as resistant to video as they once were, but there's still pushback. 这里有五种开始谈话的方法.


在一个激动人心的复兴时期, new features and new formats stemming from last year's entertainment solutions bring significant changes to the enterprise. 以下是值得关注的七个方面.


Balancing the need for security with employees' desire to use their own devices at work, enterprise video delivery platforms are more than just a pale imitation of consumer platforms.


2014年的规划变成了2015年的执行, but corporate video is still evolving slowly as enterprises figure out how to deal with moving away from overlay, 是否要拥抱云, and what role (if any) integration with SharePoint and Skype for Business will play.


流媒体视频正在改变人们做生意的方式. 今年, making enterprise content accessible to mobile devices is a key challenge.


视频正在改变企业, 易于生产, 分布, 它是一种理想的交流方式.


企业IT经理们正在努力应对“自带设备”的新文化, 统一通信的新视角, 以及ECDN解决方案的兴起.


Industry leaders agree that this is the year enterprise video moves beyond ‘ego-casting' and training.
