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为什么新闻广播公司对流媒体的适应如此缓慢, 这让它不得不在最近几年迎头赶上? 罗伯·狄龙,数字产品主管, 直箭新闻, discusses this question with Ben Ratner, Director of 新闻 Technology, 波士顿25新闻, 埃里克·伯格纳, 合作伙伴, 《本案中陷入美国马纳特数字与技术交易, 本案中陷入美国马纳特、费尔普斯 & 菲利普斯, Corey Smith, 高级主管, 先进的生产技术, CBS体育数字频道, 派拉蒙,这段视频来自他们的小组 流媒体连接2023.

狄龙开始问大家, “Why was there such a hesitancy from broadcasters to even embrace what the future was? We saw it with newspapers; they disappeared pretty quickly. 无线电甚至更快. 我们都知道(电视)广播和视频很难, 广播公司花了很长时间才把它做好, 而是, 他们坐了下来. 你认为这是为什么?”

拉特纳说, “I think they had a proven business model that they wanted to keep [going], 然后他们不想蚕食观众. 每个人都看电视. 每个人过去都看 今夜秀 每天晚上, 我认为在某种程度上他们是对的, because you have shows maybe breaking a million viewers now, 以前是2500万. So they probably had a valid fear that it was going to segment people and get [them] away from their core product.”


Bergner says that the broadcasting’s entire approach to transitioning into streaming was too short-sighted. “New media like FAST is not necessarily a substitute for an existing media,” he notes. “它可能是附加的,这取决于你如何对待它. 举个例子, 如果我是内容所有者, I can use the ad inventory on my FAST channel to promote my over-the-air offerings or my other SVOD or OTT offerings. 内容也可以不同. It can be older content; it can be for more of a fanatic because a channel is going to be more targeted to a more rabid audience. And so I think…it's kind of unfortunate that it unfolded that way…because it really could have been complimentary, and the content owners could have gotten ahead of it more quickly.”

Smith argues that despite the hesitancy of traditional broadcasters and advertisers to transition into streaming, 这种转变是不可避免的, and the technology has already been in place for a long time to facilitate it. “A lot of the advertisers aren't really comfortable in streaming because over the years, 这不是观众一直在做的事情,他说. “它一直在传统的线性平台上. But as things have been transitioning…the new thinking is the digital linear networks of the future are where linear is going from today. 所以你看到了很多变化, I think in the market where streaming is really a first-class citizen these days, and it will continue to evolve because of the way the proliferation of content is out there. Everybody's building their own little brick-and-mortar digital store environment for all their content to live. 我认为这种投资还会继续, and it's going to continue to chip away at the traditional linear.”

Learn more about a wide range of streaming industry topics at the next 流媒体连接将于2023年11月实现.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


2024年是最终选举年. 包括美国在内,共有91个国家加入了该组织.S.,美国.K.美国、印度和27个欧盟国家将举行选举. 在这种情况下, it's no surprise to witness platforms and news outlets finessing their FAST channel strategy. The BBC 新闻 FAST channel launch was perfectly timed in that regard. BBC 新闻 is now available as a FAST channel on platforms like Pluto TV, 三星电视Plus, Xumo玩, VIZIO, 和更多的.


Streaming localization is not just about delivering content to multiple regions; it's about "opening up the world,孔雀电视副总裁说, 产品昆西·奥拉通德, who explains why he believes streaming localization is so critically important in this clip from his 流媒体连接2023 keynote conversation with 媒体 Universe Cartographer Evan Shapiro.

为什么字母M没有 & E行业拥抱新的思维方式?

Are media and entertainment executives listening to the wrong people, and not bringing younger 和更多的 diverse voices into the conversation, 它是否阻碍了整个行业的发展? 同时重视董事会内部人士的专业知识, are there ways to expand the table to encourage more forward-looking thinking? Peacock TV VP Quincy Olatunde and 媒体 Industry Cartographer Evan Shapiro debate these issues in this clip from their keynote at 流媒体连接2023.


Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings has infamously (and possibly even repeatedly) made the claim that linear broadcast will be dead in the water within two years. How does a panel of media industry streaming experts respond to that claim? 罗伯·狄龙,数字产品主管, 直箭新闻, 埃里克·伯格纳, 合作伙伴, 《本案中陷入美国马纳特数字与技术交易, 本案中陷入美国马纳特、费尔普斯 & 菲利普斯, 迈克尔·纳格尔, 流媒体总经理, 甘尼特/《今日美国》, 约翰·柏林, 首席商务官, 媒体 & 广播, 敏捷的内容, 和科里·史密斯, 高级主管, 先进的生产技术, CBS体育数字频道, 派拉蒙, debate Hastings' controversial claim in this clip from their 流媒体连接2023 panel.

Philo TV's Reed Barker Talks Economics of Live Linear Streaming

Philo TV's Reed Barker sits down with Tim Siglin to discuss the economics of live linear streaming in this interview from 流媒体 East 2023.


Digital-first unicast streaming platforms give viewers more flexibility over traditional linear broadcasting while lessening the unpredictable complications of live scheduled programming like sporting events, Harmonic的Jean Macher说


TAG Video Systems' Peter Wharton and 流媒体's Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen discuss how OTA broadcasters should be following OTT providers to the cloud with "their origin and everything else they're doing" as soon as possible--if they're not among those already moving in that direction--in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2021.


AWS's Neil Glazebrook and Videon Central's Todd Erdley discuss the challenges of finding a point on the streaming latency spectrum that manages costs while dealing with the push and pull of broadcast and social in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 Connect 2021.