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直到最近, using multiple CDNs to deliver content was something rarely done by content owners spending less than $1 million per year on content services. 但最近, 内容所有者花费200美元,000-$250,000 per year have been increasingly exploring the multi-CDN strategy. Cedexis reports that between May 2015 and May 2016, 26% of their customers used multiple CDNs. 这是2016年内容交付峰会的片段, 流媒体执行副总裁丹·雷伯恩讨论了这一趋势, and why more tier two content owners are moving in this direction.

了解更多关于多cdn在下一个 内容交付峰会.


丹·雷伯恩: I've been really surprised over the last 12 months just how many smaller customers, 我称之为二级客户, 已经转向多cdn战略了吗. A multi-CDN strategy is where a customer decides to use two or more CDNs and they split their traffic across them, 通常是整个行业, 我们只在最大的客户身上看到了这一点. If you were spending $1 million more a year on CDN services, you'd think about a Multi-CDN approach. I'm now seeing customers who are spending $200,000-$250,000 a year in total using 2 or 3 CDNs.

我让Cedexis查了一下,因为他们追踪cdn. They saw here that over the last 12 months, 26% of their customer base has been using multi-CDN. That's pretty high, especially being that these are Tier Two-size customers. Multi-CDN is definitely something that's been happening more and more of late, 这让我很惊讶, 说实话, 每年我做调查的时候, 我看到越来越多的客户选择多个CDN, 至于他们要选谁.

影响是什么?? 你为什么这么关心? 如果你是客户,影响是很容易的. It shows you that there's many right ways to deliver content with good performance. 不只有一种网络拓扑是有效的, 或者你必须这样做, 或者使用这种技术. Customers realize that multiple CDNs have very similar levels of performance, 不同的价格点, 和不同的SLEs, 所以使用多个CDN是有意义的.

其他客户, 这说不通啊, 因为你不想从两个不同的地方得到原始原木. 你不希望有不同类型的参数. 你不会想要处理两种不同类型的合同. 如果你使用两个不同的cdn, 你不能把你所有的带宽都捆绑到一个合同里, 所以这不是一个正确或错误的答案,如果你使用多cdn. It's a matter of what you're comfortable with and what the purpose is of doing it.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How to Jump-Start Your Multi-CDN Strategy and Deliver Every Time

确保你的观众得到最好的体验. A multi-CDN strategy adds robustness that makes streams more successful. 以下是客户在寻找供应商时需要了解的内容.


如果1或2个cdn还不够好,那么15个呢? Video delivery company Peer5 introduced multi-CDN with participation from 15 content delivery networks.

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