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虽然不一定是整体安全策略的一部分, au然后tication is a key integration area that sets enterprise video platforms apart from the more consumer-focused media and entertainment platforms. 与现有企业人力百家乐软件工具集成, 项目管理, or even email and IT au然后tication—from Active Directory to LDAP to OpenAu然后tication (OATH)—allows an enterprise to apply known au然后tication options to media delivery within the enterprise. Active Directory has been in use for role-based au然后tication in enterprise file sharing for more than a decade, is approved by enterprise IT departments for access to documents and other nonvideo assets, 并且可能足以允许员工访问基于视频的资产.

如果使用了这些已知身份验证选项之一, the upside is that the second trend—the need to measure viewership and quality of experience—can be easily correlated on an employee-by-employee basis. Boyll, 例如, 上述客户端分析, 以及对服务质量的后续测量, are key to his enterprise video needs as a way to measure or quantify the user experience.


A significant amount of digital ink has been spent on the topic of mobile video for the enterprise. 随着我们进入2016年, the need for enterprise video platforms to properly address a mobile solution continues to grow. 然而,即使移动交付需求上升, only a limited number of EVPs have addressed the overarching security issues enterprise communications managers face.

从内部网到公共网络的任何内容传递, 不管它是给一个经常出差的员工还是给一个重要的供应商, 必须通过IT基础设施吗. 让IT买账, 然后, 正确处理移动战略的关键是什么, 甚至对于IT部门自己发布的设备(例如.g.(非byod设备).

幸运的是, 将统一通信(UCC)集成到企业中, from Skype for Business to SharePoint to any number of soft codec videoconferencing solutions, may have already set in motion the necessary discussions around enterprise video platforms.

Add to this employee expectations that BYOD devices will work with the company’s internal AV options in meeting rooms, 公司董事会, and even cafeterias—either via dedicated AV equipment or lower-priced consumer gear such as the Google Chromecast or AirPlay via an AppleTV box connected to a huddle room’s wall-mounted flat panel—and it’s possible that IT has already crossed a number of the key objection hurdles.

事实上, it’s even possible that IT has opened a number of the key ports needed to deliver video content to the mobile employee (or the employee’s mobile, 以先到者为准). 而大多数内容将作为点播内容提供, meaning that a media server can deliver the video via one of the many flavors of HTTP streaming segmentation, there will still be a need to have particular ports open if an enterprise-wide live webcast is envisioned.

洛克希德·马丁公司, 例如, has even gone so far as to create multicast sections of its internal corporate network, meaning that all-hands or regional meetings can be broadcast to every employee without overburdening the network.


One final area is the need to decide on one of three strategies when it comes to capital expenditures (capex) and operational expenses (opex). 这三种选择包括本地(内部)企业视频平台, 基于云的企业视频交付解决方案, 或者两者的混合.

遥远的地方, 在一次又一次的调查中,我和Unisphere一起分析了这些数据, 流媒体, 以及主要的行业赞助商, the primary reason to use an online video service is an intent to lower overall capex while still gaining (or retaining) the ability to deliver to multiple devices.

为广大观众提供高质量的视频体验, 完整的安全和内容保护方案完好无损, 几乎是在乞求基于云的交付. 但即使是在企业环境中, where multidevice delivery may be limited to only a dozen different approved devices, 这仍然是一个重大的挑战.

最近的一次 流媒体/Unisphere对托管视频服务的调查 强调这一趋势. When asked to rate the critical features and services they need from an online video platform, 受访者的回答非常明确. 遥远的地方, 排名最高的是多设备交付能力, 其次是对强大分析能力的需求, 自适应比特率, 全球配送.

多设备传输是云视频传输解决方案的专属领域吗? 决不. But one trend is clear: Live webcasts can originate from within the corporate firewall, but any company attempting delivery outside the corporate network—especially if it involves multiple mobile devices, from smartphones to tablets—should strongly consider the use of at least a hybrid solution.

最优混合解, 平衡安全性和可访问性, 可能包括驻留在公司网络上的原始服务器, 再加上处理翻译的基于云的解决方案, 代码转换, 以及重新包装以实现基于http的移动设备动态传输.


We’ve barely scratched the surface of the current state of enterprise video delivery, not really even touching on the areas of accessibility and closed-captioning requirements, 或者集成轮询和讲座捕获. But it’s clear that the consumer market’s ease of streaming and even local “throwing” of content from an iDevice to a nearby flat panel monitor is having a significant impact on the design philosophies and technical details surrounding enterprise video platforms.

我们预计,这种界限模糊的现象将持续到2016年和2017年. 企业视频平台厂商认为可以解决安全问题, 同时保持高质量的用户体验, 应该受到消费者在工作场所使用视频的鼓励吗. 毕竟, 如果在家里做起来容易的话, why shouldn’t we expect that our workplace would offer us the same ease of use when it comes to creating and consuming streaming video content?

本文发表在 2016流媒体行业资料手册.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Analytics, scale, quality, and artificial intelligence are top trends in enterprise video. 直播在许多新领域都很流行.


Enterprise video platforms set themselves apart from their media and entertainment counterparts, 供应商也认识到,服务于商业市场需要进行重大的重组.


在一个激动人心的复兴时期, new features and new formats stemming from last year's entertainment solutions bring significant changes to the enterprise. 以下是值得关注的七个方面.


EastBanc's Eric Hoffman offers 4 essential insights on how to make your enterprise video infrastructure more reliable, 多才多艺的, and capable for meeting the requirements of current and future large-scale video events.


用户生成内容, 迁移到云端, and going live: Here are the ten biggest issues impacting corporate video strategy today.


2014年的规划变成了2015年的执行, but corporate video is still evolving slowly as enterprises figure out how to deal with moving away from overlay, 是否要拥抱云, and what role (if any) integration with SharePoint and Skype for Business will play.


流媒体视频正在改变人们做生意的方式. This year, making enterprise content accessible to mobile devices is a key challenge.


视频正在改变企业, 易于生产, 分布, 它是一种理想的交流方式.


企业IT经理们正在努力应对“自带设备”的新文化, 统一通信的新视角, 以及ECDN解决方案的兴起.
