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Social Media Strategies: Video Is the Killer App



首先,问自己几个问题. 我们为什么要在网上做视频? (To build a brand or communicate more effectively, 等.我们希望完成什么? (卖出更多,种植更多,反应更好,等等.我们如何衡量我们的成功? (点击量、销售额、网络流量、电话等.) You should ask your target audience members the second set of questions. 他们想看到什么? Is there something or someone they would like to interact with on a regular basis? Is there something dramatically different that you could share with them? Do they have stories or ideas that they could contribute?

The next set of questions is related to the nuts and bolts of the video, 但它们都是非常重要的问题. 格式是什么? (面试方式,CEO/总裁Q&A、以事件为基础、街头人物等.内容有多长? (Keep it short; remember, the attention span of most online viewers is measured in 10-second cat videos.我们把它寄到哪里? (Internally, externally, on YouTube, Vimeo, Veoh, Viddler, blip.电视等.我们将如何收到反馈? (Via a blog, 推特, Facebook, comments, 等.谁在主持这个节目? (市场、销售、团队或个人等.)

一旦你回答了这些问题, write out a basic one-sheet mini business plan for your video. Make sure to set a target date for your goals. 所以我们有一个计划,我们应该使用什么工具?


每个情况都不一样, and whether you are a Fortune 500 company or a one-woman shop, you will need to customize the tools to your situation and desired outcome. 无论情况如何, I would encourage you to use some of the free or very cheap tools to test the waters with your video strategy. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on hardware and software to have a successful result. 


Every social media campaign needs a home base. This can be something as simple as a Facebook page or a YouTube channel. The positives of being on a large existing platform are quick scaling, an established wide audience on the platform, 和内置, 易于使用的社交工具. 缺点是缺乏隐私控制, 无法控制服务器问题, 很少有定制. If you want to have more control, you can move to a WordPress, Tumblr, or 博客ger blog platform. 为了更多的控制, you can host your own site or minisite internally with a variety of software options. The most important part of the home base is to use that as the primary URL for everything you do. 在Old Spice的例子中, the company solicited responses and posted everything via its 推特 account (http: / / twitter.com/OldSpice) but drove all the links to its YouTube account. Arguably one of the most successful social media video events of the year used two free services as its home base.


Depending upon which home base you choose, your video player should reflect that choice. You want to keep in mind that the explosion of video devices can mean multiple formats. 服务,如blip.tv have stated that they are moving exclusively to HTML5 in 2011, but most other video hosting sites are still pumping out multiple formats that are either device-specific or OS-specific. Remember your target audience members, and give them the options that they want to see. Being able to share your player with other social tools is important. Most of the video player hosting services offer these tools right below the video, 只需点击一下, 你可以添加到Facebook上, 推特, 等.


The most important tools in the kit are the people who are viewing, 应对, 和你的视频互动. People have become jaded after years of being advertised and marketed to death. 诚实并适当地回应. Great responses and interaction with even a handful of viewers can generate wonderful results. The most successful video social media strategies involve talking with your customers in an open environment. You can have every other component of your online video campaign in place, 但如果你缺少人情味, 这一切都将化为乌有.


Launching into the social world with online video can be daunting for everyone from individuals to global corporations. But the best way to approach this is to realize that no one has figured out the secret yet. The space is so new, and it changes every day. We are still very much in the Wild West days of social online video. This means that you have a shot at figuring it all out, just like everyone else. Set your goals, listen to your audience, be honest, and have fun with what you are doing. 现在看看你的策略. 现在回到我身上. 现在再回到你的策略上来. It’s as easy as a swan dive into a hot tub while riding a motorcycle. (口哨航海主题.)


You might not get Alyssa米兰 to respond to one of your videos, 但如果你做对了, your social video campaign should generate genuine engagement and interaction with your customers—on their terms.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Using Facebook and 推特 to Promote Online Video

Your customers or fans will help promote your content for you, 如果你使用了正确的工具和奖励.


Creating a YouTube account and a Facebook page is only the beginning. If you really want to reap the rewards of social networking for your videos, follow these strategies.