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SMW 17: StreamOne's Ruud van der Linden Talks OVP Pre-Integration

蒂姆Siglin: Welcome back to 流媒体 West 2017. 我是蒂姆·西格林, contributing editor with 流媒体杂志, and also media principal analyst at ReelSolver. Today, I've got with me Ruud van der Linden, and you're company is StreamOne?

范德林登: StreamOne该公司总部位于荷兰乌得勒支.

蒂姆Siglin: 告诉我一点关于什么 StreamOne does, how you got started, and how you got to where you are today.

范德林登: 有很多问题. StreamOne 是在线视频平台吗. It was founded in 2012 to help publishers, 广播公司, 和在线, and other content owners distribute their online video, 它赚钱, 并将其集成到他们的工作流程中.

蒂姆Siglin: 你提到了预整合. 给我解释一下. 这是什么意思?? Because that's sort of an intriguing term.

范德林登: StreamOne is pre-integrated with a lot of services. 在它的核心, 这是一个在线视频平台, so it takes care of ingesting your content, 从内容中提取元数据. 您可以向其中添加元数据. It takes care of transcoding, et cetera, but we're not bound to using specific components. 例如, if you would like a different transcoding service to be used in StreamOne, 你可以这么做. If you want a specific quality of experience metrics provider to be used 你可以这么做. We just pre-integrate with those services so that you can select your own best-of-breed for the platform that you want.

蒂姆Siglin: You mentioned 广播公司, original 广播公司. Is it focused sort of media and entertainment?

范德林登: 专注可以是任何东西. In the Netherlands, we service about 120 广播公司 for Ericsson Broadcast Services. 对他们来说,我们做直播. For other 广播公司, also a couple in The Netherlands, we offer VOD services. The platform supports both VOD and live streaming, 包括时间转移能力, 这个范围很广.

蒂姆Siglin: 你的核心业务是直播还是视频点播?

范德林登: 我认为是一半一半.

蒂姆Siglin: That’s actually higher than most, because so many OVPs are just sort of VOD and are now adding live. But you've actually got quite a bit of live already in place.

范德林登: That might also have to do with where StreamOne started. StreamOne成立于2012年, 但在那之前, 我做过很多自由职业者的工作, 有很多活的项目, so I have a lot of experience with live streaming. 我看到了它的开始, 并继续使用RTMP, all those things that we don't like to use too much anymore. 如果可以的话,我们会尽量避开它们.

蒂姆Siglin: 玩家呢?? Do you have a white label player that someone can use, or do you integrate with other players like THEOPlayer, Bitmovin, 等.?

范德林登: 这两个. THEOPlayer, they're our southern neighbors actually, 来自比利时, 两个小时的车程, 去他们的办公室. 但我们有自己的视频播放器. It's not our main focus, because the main focus is the platform, but the video player is pretty good. 它是非常可定制的. It can be skinned and tailored to your needs. You can even develop your own plugins to put into the video player. Most of our customers use our video player.

蒂姆Siglin: A lot of 广播公司 want to build their own stack. Do you help them troubleshoot if they run into problems? Do you assist them in working to build that stack, or do you provide a replacement stack that is better than what they might do?

范德林登: 我们建立一个替代堆栈. If a customer has an existing platform, they usually have some problems they run into. 我们分析形势. 我们为他们建立一个堆栈. We also provide the migration from their old platform to the new platform.

One of the examples where we did that is Telegraph Media Group, which is one of the biggest media groups in The Netherlands. They were formally a customer of Brightcove, and they ran into a couple of issues there, 我们为他们建立了一个新的堆栈, and took care of the migration--actually, the migration plus integrating it into their website, 应用程序, 等. It took two to three weeks, including everything.

Developers are usually very happy with our APIs, because they're really straightforward. They were kind of designed to take you exactly to the right API endpoints that you need to be, instead of kind of a maze of different components and functions that you don't know exactly what it means if you read the function name, 你在很多其他api中看到的, 这很简单.

蒂姆Siglin: 最后一个问题. You're primarily European-based, but you mentioned that you're expanding into North America. What is your approach to the North American market, which is obviously quite different from the European market?

范德林登: 去年, 我们获得了一笔投资, and one of the things that we're doing with this is a commercial expansion into the Americas. 我们在多伦多开了一个销售办事处. 从那里,我们服务北美. 这是最近才开始的. We're mainly active in Europe at this time, but we see a North American market warming up to our offering, 我真的很感兴趣.

蒂姆Siglin: Any lessons learned coming into the North American market, versus the way that things are done in Europe?

范德林登: 好吧, actually, I really like the way people think over here. They're less afraid to take a chance and just try something new. 更直接的, 少一点政治色彩, 所以开始一个试点会更容易, 请继续, 一起工作. 在欧洲 ... 好吧, 我们没有Brightcove那么大, and sometimes that's an issue for big companies in Europe, but as soon as we can get them to start a trial, 展示我们的能力, 展示产品的质量, 展示我们支持的质量, then it's usually a no-brainer a couple months after that.

蒂姆Siglin: 有趣的. Ruud, thank you very much for your time.

范德林登: 谢谢你!.

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