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Navigating HTML5 Video

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HTML5已经从一个临时标准过程迅速转变为一个被广泛采用和高度可见的平台,用于提供丰富的媒体网络体验. 我们将着眼于塑造HTML5平台的关键发展,以及HTML5如何在组织的在线媒体存在中发挥越来越重要的作用. 我们还将重点介绍许多实用和技术百家乐软件,以帮助您在组织或软件平台中使用HTML5视频. And finally, we look at what developments we can expect in 2011.

HTML5, a Short History: Before Steve Jobs

关于史蒂夫•乔布斯对Adobe的“讨伐”,人们已经说了很多。Adobe是整个在线视频行业不情愿地支持非flash平台的主要推动者. 事实上, 这种转变是整个行业向核心网络技术商品化转变的一部分,这种转变始于乔布斯成为其最大倡导者之前.

To understand the rapid adoption of HTML5, it's good to brush up on its history. 马克·皮尔格林的书 探究HTML5 offers some great insight. 总结, 2004年在W3C(万维网联盟)关于Web应用程序和复合文档的研讨会上, Mozilla and 歌剧 jointly 概述了 their vision for future extension of HTML. 会议确定了W3C不会投入任何百家乐软件来扩展HTML.

As a consequence, a separate organization, WHATWG,有… 竞争的愿景 for the future of extending HTML was formed. 这种独立的组织提供了更大的灵活性和更适合web应用程序平台创新发展的开放流程.

在HTML的许多其他扩展中,视频标记被提议作为WHATWG工作的一部分. 歌剧是第一个在2007年11月提供实验性视频标签支持的浏览器. As HTML5 began to gain interest from the industry, 视频标签的标准编解码器问题在标准制定过程中成为一个极具争议的问题. 另一个W3C研讨会, 网络视频, took place in December 2007. 在那里, 开放网络视频的支持者认为HTML5规范应该指定一个免版税的基准编解码器. 最终, all the involved parties could not agree on a single codec, so the HTML5 spec ended up being codec-agnostic. (关于编解码器的更多细节可以在本文中包含的实用指南中找到.)

2008年年中, 创作-together with the Mozilla Foundation, Yale Information Society Project, and Participatory Culture Foundation-founded the 开放视频联盟, which helps promote open standards for online video. The alliance hosts the annual Open Video Conference. 大约在这个时候, 创作也开始着手一个项目,基于新兴的HTML5视频规范为维基百科开发开放式协作视频工具.


2010年1月, YouTube began to support an HTML5 video player, 因为在这个时候,除了ie,所有的主流浏览器都支持HTML5视频了.

2010年5月, 谷歌宣布WebM项目的目的是获得业界对HTML5标准的免版税编解码器的支持.

In April 2010, Steve Jobs published his thoughts on Flash in an 公开信, 这是一个明确的行业标志,支持HTML5对于进入非常流行的iOS设备至关重要, probably more than any other event, triggered industrywide uptake.

Around the same time, 微软 expressed its commitment to the HTML5 platform. A 微软 general manager later went on to say, "The future of the web is HTML5."

As a result, video platform providers reacted. 很快,许多视频平台和视频分享网站开始充实他们的HTML5支持选项.

创作了 Html5video.org, 这是HTML5视频相关信息的行业百家乐软件,也是创作与维基媒体和Mozilla的开源合作之家, high-quality HTML5 library. 最后, 2010年末, Adobe宣布其基于创作的HTML5库的HTML5 Video Player插件进入HTML5领域.

What did all these developments mean in terms of real-world adoption? 2010年1月,通过HTML5提供的在线视频比例约为10%. By October of the same year, 54% of online video was available in HTML5, according to a report by MeFeedia. In 2011, HTML5 adoption will be even more pervasive.


理解HTML5平台的一个方法是区别于Flash平台. Here are some of the major differences between the two:

  • •单一供应商vs. 许多供应商——在Flash平台中,只有一个供应商(Adobe)控制着整个平台. 与HTML5, many different browser makers (Apple, 谷歌, Mozilla, 歌剧, 微软, 以及更多)在不同程度上支持许多桌面浏览器版本的标准. 两家公司也都有自己的手机版浏览器,以及其他手机供应商(黑莓), 棕榈, Nokia) with various software versions across devices and mobile network carriers; this makes for a huge compatibility matrix. 一方面,一方面, HTML5 makes for a complex platform, 但另一方面, 它促进了创新的快速步伐,吸引了行业内广泛的强大力量的兴趣和投资.
  • •无DRM-与Flash或其他媒体平台不同,没有跨浏览器的DRM解决方案. 在那里 are tricks that make copying content slightly more difficult. But in general, HTML5 is not presently very good for restricted rights content. This is expected to improve during 2011 and into the future.
  • • No fine-grain network controls-Currently, it's difficult to do network management on the client, and there is no cross-browser adaptive streaming solution. (Apple iOS devices do support Apple's HTTP 在线直播.) 
  • •广告集成解决方案不像flash那样得到广泛支持——这是另一个有望在2011年大幅改善的领域.
  • •通常不容易插入和播放第三方组件与播放器框架-没有自上而下的OSMF (Adobe的开源媒体框架),使它很容易适应插件播放器. 
  • 需要注意的是,即使存在上述限制,HTML5也有一些优势:
  • • Combined with faster JavaScript engines, CSS3, and other features of modem browsers, 丰富的界面可以围绕HTML5构建,并且可以跨多个平台和设备使用.
  • •许多开源JavaScript库已经出现,以帮助弥合HTML5实现中的差距.
  • •Netflix等具有前瞻性的内容分发公司已经开始采用HTML5作为用户界面,并致力于解决视频标签在媒体内容分发中的局限性. 
  • • HTML5 is here to stay and continues to build huge industry momentum. 很难找到一个不支持HTML5的活跃浏览器供应商或移动软件平台.

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An explanation of HTML5 and HTML5 Video, 包括历史, 专利问题, and current use by Apple, 微软, 谷歌, Adobe, 和其他人.

25 HTML5 Video 百家乐软件 You Might Have Missed

Here's a list of 文章, 视频, 网站, 以及能够帮助你更好地理解HTML5 Video标签相关问题的会议, as well as the HTML5 specification in general.

HTML5, the iPad, and the iPhone: What You Need to Know

The world of HTML5 video is fragmented, but a recent webinar explains how content providers can best prepare for it.

谷歌's Rejection of H.264 in Chrome Means a Unified HTML5 Video Tag is Now a Pipe Dream

谷歌's attempt to clarify its decision to drop H.264 from Chrome in favor of WebM creates even more questions than it answers

Bringing Five Alive: Best Practices for HTML5 Video Deployment

A look at best practices for HTML5 Video deployment

Companies and Suppliers Mentioned