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NAB 2017: Survival Strategies & Cocktails

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有时候,我后悔注册了nab的新闻媒体——主要是在3月和4月的早晨,当我打开电子邮件时. 不乏公关公司为他们所代表的公司争夺关注. In fact, it really is a little much. Don't get me wrong, these are hard-working people, for the most part, doing their job to make noise for their clients, 他们中的许多人甚至对他们可以与媒体安排的会面次数有一个配额. 我每天花1-2个小时来弄清楚哪些邮件是真正相关和重要的, not to mention actually personal. But hey, 这是交易的一部分,积极的一面是,你确实了解了参展商对即将到来的展会的整体期望.

So far, 我已经看到一些有趣的产品准备在HEVC上大展身手,也听到了很多关于OTT的声音. 在我们的领域中,新兴业务的最新和最大的趋势无疑是分析平台. It's really no wonder, 要么:OTT是一个成本中心,但必须做,留住眼球和削减成本是减轻打击的关键方法. 分析无疑可以帮助识别低效率和趋势.

But let's face it, NAB is noisy. Really noisy. 而且,正如我去年说过的,这是一场钱袋之战. 人们的心态是,大厅前面最大的展位才是赢家. Is that how you see a trade show? 然而,一家公司愿意花钱来吸引你的注意力的影响是值得称赞的, how much is enough and how much is too much? I have this conversation with vendors every year. This year, 越来越多的展前对话表明,企业正在放弃这场斗争,转而采用更有针对性的方式来吸引潜在客户. 我并不是说这是决定性的趋势——nab短期内不会放缓——但对我交谈过的许多人来说, 在寻找客户的过程中,似乎有一些更保守的支出.

Personally, I do enjoy NAB and I find it productive. Even though it's a marathon of back-to-back meetings, and like most people, I never get see everyone I'd have liked to. Whether you are a vendor, or a customer, 关于如何举办一场富有成果的演出,我有几点建议。


Pack granola bars. 你可能认为你要去吃午饭,但你不是. And if someone does offer you a sandwich, take it. 这可能是你回到酒店前的最后一顿饭,也可能是你日程表上的晚餐会议. Oh, and vendors - don't eat at your booth, 走开几分钟,像魔像吃鱼一样吃掉它. Otherwise, 你可能只吃了一口,下一个展位的参观者就会开始“谈话”,一只眼睛盯着你的东西. Remember, you can't fly without fuel.


Carry water. 你酒店里的空调会把你的喉咙变成烤面包片. 如果你不补水,第二天你的声音就会像威尔·阿内特的乐高蝙蝠侠. 水也能让你头脑清醒,你会想要发挥出最佳状态.


It's great to look good, 但更重要的是要感觉良好,相信我,一切都从鞋子开始. 你总能看出一个老练的NAB是谁穿的跑鞋. Are you gellin'? I sure am.

Carry Pain Reliever

Sure, 如果你没有遵循第1-3条的规定,那么手边有一份礼物是很好的,但它真正是给那些比你更需要它的人的. Be there for your team, come packing.

Bring an External Battery for Your Phone

帮自己一个忙,躺在地板上的时候不要再查看电子邮件了. It will still be there later. You are there to see people in person. 没有什么比看到展台工作人员在客户闲站着的时候玩手机更令人不安的了. However, the last thing you want is to run out of juice. You need to be reachable the entire day, every day.

Take Notes

Personally I write on the back of business cards, 除非有人给我一个全是塑料的,不能装墨水的. Then the trusty notepad comes out. Is that too old school? 好吧,我倒想看看你在南下坡上对Siri口述一下.

Meet New People

今年你在NAB见到的最好的人就是你还没见过的人——我保证. 我从未读过的最好的书是Keith Ferrazzi写的,叫做 Never Eat Alone. 几年前,单单这个头衔就对我产生了影响,这可能是我得到的最好的商业建议. 还有什么比在展览大厅的欢乐时光和随后的社交活动更好的方式来结识随机的人呢. I'm a big fan of happy hours, 尤其是当我遇到那些对他们工作的公司充满热情的人的时候. 对我来说,这比在我的收件箱里发送另一篇新闻稿或无关紧要的邮件会议请求要重要得多. 对我来说,享受这个行业和其中的人就是一切,我希望你也是如此.

Here's a few happy hours and parties for this year. If you know of any others, 请务必包括您的评论(请不要内容事件, only social/networking events). Hopefully I'll see you at one of them. 记住,秘密词是“香蕉”,我知道你读过这篇文章.

Monday, April 24

4-6 p.m. SAS Audio, n8328 -香槟,葡萄酒/奶酪,小吃接待

4-6 p.m. MediaSilo/Wiredrive, SL12705—RSVP   (also Tuesday at 4 p.m.)

5:30 p.m.-Tools On Air, sl14813 -主持乐队Two Ways Home from London

6:30-9:30 p.m. 威瑞森在TopGolf举办的“从顶部看”网络活动RSVP

Tuesday, April 25

7:30 a.m. Elemental Technologies 4K Charity Run (yeah, no cocktails really at this one, unless you are on some kind of mission)—Register here

4-6 p.m. Encompass Cocktail Reception Presented by Wipro, SU2324

5-7 p.m. Aspera Cocktail Reception, SL8124

6:30-9:30 p.m. 第十七届本·瓦格纳压缩派对,拉斯维加斯万丽酒店RSVP

5:30-7:00 p.m. MediaMelon, drinks at the Wynn—RSVP

Wednesday, April 26

4-6 p.m. HLS.js Happy Hour with Mux, Bitmovin, Unified Streaming & Peer 5, SU7607—RSVP

6:30-9:30 p.m.: DASH-IF Networking Event, The Bank at Bellagio—RSVP

最后,但并非最不重要的是,不要忘记拉下StreamingMedia的谁去看NAB here.

并于4月26日(周三)下午4点访问我们的“NAB最佳”直播.m. ET/1 p.m. PT—details here

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