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集中的功能, Decentralized HardwareEven as some enterprise companies move toconsolidate on a single platform, they seem to bemoving away from centralized recording.

传统上, using a centralized managementand analytics solution meant centralizedrecording, where all video and audio signals cameto a central location and then were recorded onone of a series of encoders. Centralized recordingstill makes sense in a traditional educationalsetting where all signals in a classroom buildingcan be routed to a single recording location. Butthe practice is less in demand in the enterpriseand less practical, given the far-flung nature oftraining and corporate communications.最近的产品提供了一个权宜之计, withcentralized management and distributed recordingbased on a client-server concept where audio, video,and/or VGA recordings occurred on a remote clientrecorder. The input device signals and recorder wereself-contained within a single location—often a keyconference room or an auditorium—and then thefinished recording was uploaded to a centralized server.

这被视为权宜之计的原因, 尽管去中心化记录有好处, comes mainlyfrom the inability to verify that a remote recording wastaking place correctly and with the proper inputs.然而, newer products can monitor multiplerecordings remotely, controlling the recording from anonline control dashboard. In much the same way that avideoconferencing multipoint control unit (MCU) allowsfor logical control of multiple physical locations, thesenewer streaming and recording solutions allow a centrallocation to start and stop recording and even controlslide advance functions. This solves the "peace of mind"issue that arises during a key event (via "confidencemonitoring" of the remote recorder) and also providesthe ability to step in remotely to check input devices orrecorder functionality.

Another approach to decentralized hardware is theintegration of existing videoconferencing products intoa broader workflow.

Lockheed noted that its initial streaming success ledto the use of streaming in place of more expensiveaudio and videoconferencing equipment, which hadonly been installed in select locations and, 因此,影响范围有限. Other companies picked up on thefact that their videoconferencing systems could be usedas ingest points for enterprise streaming content.

QAD系统 QAD系统’s Scott Lawson says his company is looking forward to using Silverlight, 但目前他仍坚持使用Windows Media 9.

"We’re a global company, but our producersare here in the U.S.默克公司的威廉·范德戴克说. "We found that we could originatethe content from a local videoconferencing site atany of our global locations and receive it at ourU.S. 现场直播或点播录制的位置. 我们也使用Tandberg的战术单位,哪个是手提箱里的视频会议, forremote locations that may not have permanentvideoconferencing capability."

对CA, the ability to tie a videoconferencingsystem into enterprise streaming means thatbusiness unit heads can speak to their groupemployees, regardless of where the businessunit head happens to be traveling that week.

“他们通过视频会议进入总部,詹姆斯·拉舍说, CA的AV服务总监, "andwe then take an analog output from the videoconferencingsystem, 把它插入Mediasite, 然后编码重播."

雅高特曾与坦伯格一起工作过, 思科最近的收购, 使视频会议集成更容易. Besides ad-hoc streaming andarchiving support for an ongoing videoconference,Tandberg has also integrated its scheduler to automatethe streaming and archiving of videoconferences.除了用H.323 videoconferencing endpoint asa remote camera and microphone for a centralizedenterprise streaming solution, Tandberg has introducedthe ability to stream and archive live H.239 dualstream presentations (containing both audio-videoand graphics presentations).

默克公司 默克公司对其内部通讯保密, but the company uses Accordent’sMedia Management System, 哪个生成类似的报告, 以及Tandberg ' s practical Unit, which is essentially "videoconferencing in a suitcase.."

Trimming the Player, Increasing Playback Flexibility
Once a business has several years of experience withstreaming media, 尤其是富媒体录制, thedesire to aggregate and track all types of contentbegins to kick in. Managers want to look beyond therigid three-pane viewer.

"The traditional synchronized template is a limitationin terms of its bulk,QAD系统的劳森说, "which is alimitation that we’ve faced as we’ve tried to showsimple marketing videos with these templates."

幸运的是, Flash和Silverlight, as well asstandards-based HTML5 dynamic web interfaces,appear ready to solve these issues with viewers thatcan easily move between a synchronized template viewand a more-traditional playback view. This move helpsto eliminate the concern that systems designed topresent multiple pieces of synchronized 信息are very good at synchronized playback but not as goodat presenting—and tracking—simple video clips.

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